Terros, The Earth Lord in Argus | World Anvil
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Terros, The Earth Lord

Terros, The Earth Lord

Terros, the malevolent Lord of Earth, revels in destruction and decay. They delight in seeing life snuffed out and cities crumble into dust. Their followers are few, but fanatically devoted to the cause of tearing down anything that stands in the way of their dark master's desires.   Terros uses their power over the earth to create earthquakes, sinkholes, and other natural disasters that leave devastation in their wake. They take pleasure in causing famine and drought, sapping the life from crops and forcing entire populations to their knees in desperation.   The very ground trembles in fear when Terros approaches, and his twisted voice can be heard echoing from deep within the earth, promising pain and suffering to all who stand in his way. They are a being of unbridled malice, with no compassion for the innocent or the helpless.   Those who dare to cross Terros or his followers do so at their own peril, for his wrath is swift and merciless. The Lord of Earth is a force of nature, unstoppable and unyielding, bringing destruction wherever he goes. Terros Briefly teamed up with Ragnaros, Lord of Fire during the last centures of the Elemental Wars, only to be defeated together.

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