Thunros, Storm Lord in Argus | World Anvil
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Thunros, Storm Lord

Thunros, Storm Lord

Thunros is a powerful and enigmatic Elemental Lord who presides over the element of air. They are often depicted as a being of pure wind and motion, with a form that is constantly shifting and changing like the clouds themselves. Thunros is known to be a capricious and unpredictable being, and their moods can shift as quickly as the winds that they controls. They are revered and feared by those who live beneath the skies of the Plane of Air, for he is capable of unleashing terrible storms and winds that can level entire cities.   Despite their often destructive nature, Aetherion is not inherently evil. Rather, they see themselves as a force of nature, beyond the petty concerns of morality and ethics that govern the actions of mortals. They took no sides in the Elemental Wars which may be what let to their downfall, but will unleash their fury upon any who would dare to defy the power of the air. Some worship them as a god, while others see them as a force to be appeased or let loose.   Thunros' powers are many and varied. They can summon up great winds to lift ships high above the waves, or to scatter armies across the battlefield. They can bring rain and clouds to parched lands, or send forth lightning to strike down his foes. They can also bestow the gift of flight upon those he favors, allowing them to soar through the skies like birds. But those who cross them will feel the full force of their wrath, as they unleash powerful tempests and cyclones that can devastate entire regions.

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