The Mystical Mechanics Factory Settlement in Aria | World Anvil
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The Mystical Mechanics Factory

The MM Factory is a city that takes up the entirety of one of the Kirov Islands. It is used to create the many devices of the Mystical Mechanics Corporation.   The MM Factory is an industrial wellspring. Almost everything that is technological from the Kirov Islands is built on the MM Factory. They held a monopoly over magical technology before the God's Wrath destroyed the Kirov Islands.


The population of the MM Factory is all Mystical Mechanics employees. They vary greatly in species, but are all payed according to their jobs and are therefore in slightly different wealth classes.


The MM Factory functions under the government of the Kirov Islands. Past that they are operated by the rules of the Mystical Mechanics.


The Island is protected, like the rest of the Kirov Islands by the ocean, as well as magical defenses built by the factory itself.

Industry & Trade

The Island trade its products with the other Kirov Islands as well as the mainland. Since everyone on the island works for the same company they all have to sustain themselves by importing food and other supplies.


The Factory Island has many crystal mines and workshops. They use blast furnaces to make Merok Alloy and forges to shape the alloy into magical weapons, armor, and devices.


The MM Factory Island was chosen by the Mystical Mechanics because of its high crystal count. Originally a small settlement the factory slowly took over the entirety of the island.


The buildings of the MM Factory are made of stone and metal, the work they do is too dangerous for the buildings too be made of wood.


The island is mountainous and riddled with cave systems, the only source of fresh water is a magic device created by the company using water crystals.

Natural Resources

The MM Factory has the highest amount of Magic Crystals of any of the Kirov Islands.

4986(3986 SMA)

Alternative Name(s)
The Factory Island
Location under
Owning Organization

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