Alacade Decay

Alacade Decay was first recorded 1500 years ago. Aire Paren and renowned elf mage was found by his family in his workshop passed out. At first the healer dismissed his symptoms which were chest, ear and gum pain, as being overworked and exhausted. They recommended a week of rest. However when Aire’s symptoms continued to worsen over the next week and get weirder. Such as he developed sores in his mouth, his hair started to stiffen. His skin has also started to stiffen and crack. He also felt like he was walking through lead. With this information they had to look at different things.   In the next ten years six other elf mages found the same way and had the same symptoms. While Aire Paren was continuing to decline in health. Aire’s healer, Saria Glizana started investigating as to what linked them all. It took her time to rule out bacteria or virus. She then visited the mage shop of one of the most recent affected and found their son mixing up several different components that they used in their magic. She asked what they were. These were the components: Flamelead, Doomclay, Sunsand, Pitchsliver, Granddust. Flamelead, Pitchsliver, and Doomclay are known as being mildly toxic. So Saria Glizana talked to each of the other known affected and found that they all had been mixing these components for all of their lives.   Armed with this information Saria Glizana was able to work out a potion that would slow the progression of what had become known as Alacade Decay. This was about 30 years since the first case and sadly Aire Paren had since passed away. Saria Glizana then started to work with Aire Paren’s daughter to create protective clothing for the mages to use to prevent or lower the chance to get Alacade Decay.

Transmission & Vectors

It is non infectious.   The consient repeated mixing of certian more mild toxic magical components without protection along with a geneic disposition can cause it.


Mixing magic with certian mildly toxic components without protection over time along with a geneic component.


Ear, chest and gum pain. Fainting Develop sores on the mouth   stiffing of the hair. skin starting to stiffen and crack exhaustion  feel like their body is walking through lead.


Stopping of working with the compoents and mixing of them. Some herbs will help with symptoms.    It will slow the progression but symptoms will stay and slowly get worse.


Even with treatment the condition will eventual cause death.   It is slow and takes decades to kill.

Affected Groups

Elf mages, that are older are those that are affected.


The use of protective clothing with magical enhancements.


The first known case was first recorded 1500 years ago. It was a older elf mage who wrorked exculsively with the mix of more toxic magical compents.  It took another 30 years before the cause was found out.  Once it was found out the devloment of protective clothing was created and recommened.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital


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