Angel corps

In the country of Zeshuland there is an organization that has formed relatively recently, called Angel Corps. This organization’s focus is taking in children who are orphaned, run-a-ways, or just generally need a little extra help. Angel Corps have centers in most of the Zeshuland’s towns and cities. Some of the smaller villages have centers for a few villages that are in that area. At these centers there adult and older children who help the others. They teach life skills provide opportunities to learn a marketable skills and a place to relax. While many of the children come and go, those that don’t have homes the center becomes their home. They have rules that are strictly enforced and do work with local police if and when needed. There have been some instances where the law would send a troubled child to the Angel Corps which helped them to turn their lives around.   Angel Corps started about twenty years ago. It was started by a group of rich merchants headed by Abon Nele and Kimok Aymer, who noticed after a war with a neighboring country followed by devastating illness many affected much of the older generations. There were many young children who lost part pr all of their families. They also noticed that run-a-ways didn’t have places to go and would cause trouble on the streets. So Abon Nele and Kimok Aymer gathered a few of their associates and came up with the idea to help the youth. They then took their idea to the leaders of the city. At first those in the leadership positions did not want to feeling it wasn’t a big problem. That is when Kimok Aymer pointed out if they helped the young it would get them off the street which was a problem that many people with in the city was complaining about. The leadership agreed and let them build the first center. It was such a success that they were able to build two more in the city and start looking into other places that were facing the same problems.


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