Catamaran Funeral Rights

The Catamaran humans reside on one of the many islands in the Shamic Atoll. When one of them dies they have a set of traditions that were designed to comfort those who are still living. First, when one dies they are checked by the local healer. This is to make sure that they are truly dead. Next the dead are laid in their home for five days before the body is prepared for burial. The body is prepared for burial by the closest family member of the same sex or friend if there is no family member available. They wash the body with a herb bath. They then dress the body in the best that they have. For men their hair and beard if have are washed and braided. For women, their hair is also washed and braided, however, they add the dead’s favorite flowers. Depending on the social status of the dead individual jewelry is added. The higher status the more elaborate the jewelry.   By this time it has been a week and the body is ready for the the burial. Family and friends gather at the graveside. The body is laid in an east-west position in a carved stone box. Once the body is there each person in attendance brings forth a small item that reminds them of the deceased. The high Maran priest says the death right comfort prayer as the family and friends are dropping in their items. Once this is done they all leave. The stone lid is placed by the local burial guardsmen.   Next is the life celebration for the dead a day after the burial. At this celebration along with the deceased’s favorite foods. Along with the favorite foods, there are three main dishes that are always and only served at life celebrations. These dishes are Breaded cinnamon Fish, Butter Apple crab, and Pepper mango clams. The celebration lasts all day long, which is why the three, one for each meal. Those celebrating do activities that the deceased loved to do or were known to do. Many times when others do the activities they mostly only go through the motions. There is much talking and crying at these celebrations.   After the all-day life celebration, the family and closest of friends will place in their homes a depiction of the deceased where they can talk to it each day. For the next two years, they are required to at least say hello to the deceased’s depiction every day. Many have conversations with them saying much that they couldn’t when they were here.   After the two years, they are no longer under tradition to continue to speak to the depiction. Many will continue to talk to them a little, some continue to talk daily. Very few stop or get rid of it but there are a few who do.


The body prep and burial show that the person was respected and remembered. the life celebration shows the apprechation for the dead along with remembering their contrubitions to life.  two year rememberance is for showing that they are missed and remembered.

Components and tools

Certain food that is only eatten at life celebrations.


those close to the one who has died.  Family, friends and maybe high up officals depending on what they did in life.


Buryal takes place one week after death. celebration a day later rememberance for two years aftward.


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Aug 20, 2024 21:44 by Deleyna Marr

Interesting that there are foods specifically for the celebration. Well done.
