Ceelkayo Wild Geographic Location in Aridida | World Anvil

Ceelkayo Wild

Along the southern coast of Anicarta nestled between the sea and a small mountain range is the Ceelkayo Wild. Many have tried to tame and live in the area however, they have either been driven out or strangely disappear. It has been sparsely explored because many times the explorers go missing. It is known that there are plants and animals in the Ceelkayo Wild that are not found anywhere else in the world. There are a few small settlements that are close to the Ceelkayo Wild that do venture into the edges of the Ceelkayo Wild but not far at all.   Sitting in the mountains that surround the Ceelkayo Wild is a majestic ancient ruin that sits at what looks to be a gateway into the Ceelkayo Wild. Many historians have sort of explored this ruin trying to understand it. However, its proximity to the Ceelkayo Wild makes people nervous so there has yet to be a very thorough exploration of the ruin. There is a mural within that has confused historians. It shows a thriving settlement where the Ceelkayo Wild now sits. The mural continues on showing a battle and much devastation. There is some writing and some historians think that there may be more deeper within but none have been willing to explore it yet.   Along with the ruins, there are a few legends that have been shared in the small settlements nearby. One says that Ceelkayo Wild use to be a major city of an advanced society until there was a fight between two factions in the city which ended up destroying the city and its people. Another says that a magic user’s lover was wrongly accused and punished for a crime they had not committed. In their rage and thirst for revenge, the once thriving city was destroyed leaving the now wild land in its place with a spell left to make sure no one returned to live there again.   As of now though these are just legends and there has been no confirmation of either story just the mysterious ruins and a wild untamed land.


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