Cross Dodo

The Cross Dodo is a bird species that has been bred. It is a cross between the Fnuji, and Mosstust. The Fnuji is a large bird that has one set of good wings, excellent eye sight, strong legs and talons. Their diet is small rodents. It’s coloring dark browns with a bright yellow streak starting between it’s eyes over the head and down to the long tail feathers. The Mosstust is a small bird has strong wings week legs has poor eye sight but excellent sense of smell and hearing. Their diet consists of bugs. The Mosstust’s coloring is bright green, red, and white. Both the Fnuji and Mosstust mate with many mates over their lifetime, which about 15 years. The Cross Dodo has the best qualities from each. It has strong wings and legs. Excellent sight and smell with great hearing. It is a medium sized bird with a base color of brown with a unique pattern of green, red and white feathers throughout. A small yellow streak is found in their tails. The Cross Dodo’s diet is a mix of rodents and bugs. Farmers keep small flocks of these birds for pest control on their crops.   The Cross Dodo can not reproduce. So there are Cross Dodo breeders. These breeders have small flocks of both the Fnuji and Mosstust. The two flocks are kept separate until it is time for breeding which happens in the early winter. Then the breeder selects several male Mosstust to mate with the female Fnuji. Each breeder has a system that they use to rotate which male and females they breed each year. The rest of the flocks are allowed to breed with each other to increases and keep the flock healthy. The extras are sold to other interested parties. Which is either hobbyist, pet keepers and some other breeders.   Once the breeders see that the female Fnuji lay their eggs they take check to make sure that they are good eggs. They keep an eye on the eggs as the mothers incubate the eggs. Once they began to hatch the breeders make sure that the mothers do not abandon them. The mother will bring the babies the rodent food while the breeders supplement with bugs. As the babies grow the mother Fnuji teaches them how to fly and hunt for the rodents. The babies surprisingly pick up the hunting for the bugs quickly as they watch the other Mosstusts. After a year old the breeders will put the Cross Dodos up for sale.


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