Humming Blindness

One bright warm spring day as trade picking up into the Dwarf port town Kal Todir. Kal Todir was the gateway town into the Dwarf lands of the north. This town sat on both sides of a river plain right before the tall impassable cliffs. This to everyone looked to be the start of a normal day. However, that didn’t last long when a cargo ship docked with several sick humans, elves and hybrids.   The dwarf medics did not think anything of it as they assisted the sick in their medic huts. In fact after two days all those that arrived sick were well and back on their feet. The next week a dwarf dock worker was brought in. Two days prior the dock worker had complained of intense jaw pain, followed by the next day none could stop them from working. Then that morning while they were doing their job they had collapse and was very dizzy. Over the course of that day things progressed to where they could only hum because their jaw was clamped shut with pain and their hands were clenched into fists. By the end of that day the dwarf couldn’t see and everything that the medics had tried wasn’t working. The next morning three more dock workers were brought in with similar symptoms. While the first dock worker died in the early hours of the morning. The medics were starting to worry as the next day a shop keeper was brought in with similar symptoms. The jaw pain, hyperactive, followed by dizziness. Some would have their hands and feet cramp. Some had continued dizziness however, all lost their eyesight by the third or fourth day. By the fifth day they either passed away or started to recover. The death rate was about one out of every eight. For those that recovered many made a full recovery, but there was about one out of every ten that had a permanent disability, either loss of eye sight or loss of dexterity of their hands.   By the third dockworkers death panic had set in across the docks and the workers were refusing to work. About a month after the first dockworkers death did the city officials put a freeze on traffic in and out of the city. As there had been 10 deaths and more sick. There was word sent into the dwarf lands warning of the illness and the need to stay away from Kal Todir. None of the dwarf medics find anything that helped. The once thriving Kal Todir town was now more of a ghost town. Dwarves were weary to leave their homes. Afraid of getting the illness that had come to be known as the Humming Blindness. Some of the more affluent residents fled. Many of the trade dependent cities and towns started to have many troubles. Many dwarves that lived deep in the dwarf lands started to say that Kal Todir was just greedy and wanting to keep all the wealth. While a few others said that they need to have a second port city into their lands to keep supplies coming. Then there were others that we just panicked about the spreading illness.   Nine months after the start of this mess did a dwarf medic named Grouz Aleguard, from outside of the north dwarf lands arrive at the gate of Kal Todir. The requested to speak to the head medic, who allowed him in. Once in Aloick Aleguard told helped the medics mix herbs and potions to heal those that were sick. Aloick Aleguard then went from Kal Todir with a few other medics that he had taught into the northlands to reach the other affected towns and cities.   To this day, if you come into Kal Todir all ships will be delayed for at least three days. If there are sick even longer, if not completely rejected. There are many more regulations that have been put into place. While some shipping companies have complained about it nothing changes. Some dwarves say that the Kal Todir governors have overstepped their bounds while others have thought they are not doing enough. Some dwarves have grown to distrust the outsiders even more. There are still some distrust and hate between Kal Todir and many other large dwarf towns.


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