Indigo Dragon Sheath

About fifty years ago a young man by the name of Adrian Riggs got tired of trying to not cut himself on his sword. At the time there were a couple of ways to do this. One was a leather wrap around the sword, although it was not a quick getting out. Second was to use leaves from an Eotiden tree. You took several leaves and effectively sewed them together into a long pouch for your blade. This would last for about a month before you would need to replace it as the sword would cut through it. The last option was made out of wood from a tree. While the wood worked longer, it, however, meant that there was a more often need for maintenance on the sword to keep it sharp and corrosive-free. Adrian Riggs was out hunting near his home when the sheath he was using failed. In the area he lived it would take weeks to months before he could get a replacement. As the trees nearby were unsuited for making sheaths, and the Eotiden tree was not native to his area.   So he used what he had available, which happened to be an Indigo Tayra, or little dragon that he had just killed. Now there the Indigo Tayra had a few uses at the time. Their glans were used to produce a deep blue dye. Their meat was also a specialty for only the elite of the elite. However, they were hard to kill because their hide was so tough and if killed wrong the glans would become useless. Now these creatures are about the size of a medium-sized dog. They have four legs, and sharp claws that help them defend themselves and dig. Their head is egg-shaped with their eyes on the side of their head. They have four glans one set on the side of the neck and another set by the hips. They have long tail and look to have scales and look like a lizard. Thus giving them their name of little dragon however, it is not a lizard it is a mammal.   Adrian took the indigo Tayra home and skinned it saving the meat and glans to sell as he planned. This time instead of throwing out the tough skin he decided to see if he could clean it up and use it as a sheath for his short sword.   It took a bit of experimenting but after two weeks he was able to fashion a functional sheath. A month later he found that his blade was slightly sharper. He noticed that he didn’t need to clean it nearly as much. He then went to test it and found that the sheath was so strong it would not allow the blade to be damaged or break while in the sheath. He was also able to get a perfect fit and the sheath wouldn’t just fall off while walking which is something that happened often with the wooden ones.   In the years since Adrian started to produce more, first for family and friends then further out as word spread. He is now working to make as many as he can from one Indigo Tayra. He is also continuing to find out how long the sheaths will last and all the benefits of them. His wife is working on breeding the Indigo Tayra to keep the natural population from being killed off.


Created 50 years ago.


A new sheath for swords, daggers and other sharp items.
6 oz


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