Isapar wood

Isapar wood is highly sought after for woodworking projects. The Isapar tree is found mostly on Imor and a few areas on Odoa. There are two reasons it is so sought after. One is the wood grain coloration which is dark brown with red streaks through it. The second is because of its resistance to decay. In fact, Isapar wood is not only highly resistant to decay but also rot and repels many insects. It is also known for not needing a sealant. Even though there are a few carpenters who do so. The Isapar trees grow to be about 60 feet high and can be up to 20 feet in diameter. Large flat leaves that change color with the seasons. The bark after being boiled and sat to stew for three days is used as a medicine component. If not prepared that way it is toxic. The seed pods are round and look like scales. They are a favorite food for many bird species. This is good because the seeds need to pass through a digestive tract to be able to germinate. Many say that the Isapar forest smells like the sea after a storm. However, after it has been cut it smells like flowers but a different kind to different people.   There are a few mythologies around Imor about the Isapar tree. One of the most notable is from an elven group that explains the Isapar tree was blessed by the gods because one of their ancestors freely welcomed them into their home. Gave the visitor the best they had even their bed. The furniture and bed were made from the Isapar tree.   There have been found several pieces of Isapar furniture that they are unsure of when they were created. They are working on a way to figure out the ages of the pieces. These pieces were found in the ruins of a village. The pieces were not stable enough to be used but were complete and could tell what they had been used for. The design of them is not of any recent designs nor of a design that the historians knew of.


Geology & Geography

Found everywhere on Imor and on the southern tip of Odoa.
As a tree it smells like the sea and rain. When cut it smells like flowers.
Has a very bitter taste.
The bark is a very dark brown with gray streaks through it. The inside is a dark brown with red lines runing through it.


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