
In between the kingdoms of Ogersian to the north, Kolia to the south and Vrosta directly east sits a huge city state named Ivorgarde. Ivorgared is situated on a natural harbor controlling the trade into both Kolia Kingdom and Ogresian kingdom. When this city was nothing more than a little settlement there was a lot of wars and battles that took place in and around vying for control of the harbor, by the Ogersian and Kolia. Finally a large trade guild backed by the city folks pushed out the two battling kingdoms. A large wall was built about 2 miles away from the then city boundaries. Inside the city there have been laws put into place that protect those within the walls of the city. Now when this first happened both the Ogersian and Kolia kingdoms attempted to take control however they were fought back each time. Finally they accepted defeat when Ivorgarde stopped all trade with either kingdom and only traded with Vrosta. Vrosta was a kingdom that held it’s own against the other two. Cutting off this important supply chain to both kingdoms at first didn’t seem to do much. However, it did not take long before the kings from both Ogresian and Kolia came to meet with the trade guild head. This is where they reached an agreement that Ivorgarde and the surrounding land around till the near by hills was a no war zone. If either group attacked with in this area trade would stop and Ivorgarde would only trade with Vrosta and none other. Ivorgarde will take in anyone from any kingdom and protect them. However, if the refugee attacks, or causes trouble or breaks the laws of the city they are sent back to their land of origin. These laws are strictly followed and enforced to keep the peace. Many flock to the city to where Ivorgarde has grown to and pass the original wall that was built. Many understand and follow the laws of the land. Sadly there have been many over the years who have been forceable removed, or sent away from the city because of breaking the law.


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