Jiglatato Bread

On the continent, Eanith lived a man called Levi Tim Keeler. He was a merchant who traveled for half of the year. When he wasn’t traveling he lived and worked with his wife and their kids. His wife Adella Silvia Keeler ran a bakery in the town that they lived in. As Levi prepared for his next journey he complained that food was hard to come by. That food was getting more expensive and some nights he had to go without because what he had gone bad. Adella listened and started to think if she knew any way to make something that would last. Levi left on his travels and while he was gone this time Adella spent her extra time trying different recipes. Adella’s sister Zona Elvia Burden came to visit. Zona was a mage who specialized in extending magic. Such as extending the sealants’ life before they have to reapply. Zona asked about the many different breads that Adella had done and Adella explained her goal. This intrigued Zona and they spent the rest of the time that Levi was gone to experiment. They finally came up with a recipe that combined baking and magic. The result was Jiglatato bread.   The Jiglatato bread will stay fresh for about three months. It will keep for a year and a half before it starts to taste bad and should not be eaten. It is a light small round bread that is very packed with nutrition.   Once Levi shared the bread, Adella had several of their friends who also traveled ask for the bread. Eventually, Adella gathered bakers from other villages and taught them the recipe. The hardest part of the recipe was finding a mage that could do extending magic. Even with this slight difficulty Jiglatato bread is the primary food that travelers on Eanith eat. It is found in every city or town.


500 years ago was created by a sister duo.  One is a baker the other a mage.  Made it for the one sister's traveler husband.


Started with one person is now a staple for all travelers.
Very common


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