Kilolim Greychin

Kilolim Greychin is an author of many different types of books that are relatively popular on the Imor continent. Kilolim’s journey to being a great author has been a bit rocky. It started when he was born. His mother died shortly after giving birth. Then his father died when Kilolim was two in a bandit raid on the mountain town they lived in. A elf family found young Kilolim next to his dead father a day later and took him in. The elves that took him were smiths. So when Kilolim was about four he started learning how to smith. At age of 8 his adoptive family took him to apprentice under a dwarvin smith. After four years he returned home. Between working and chores Kilolim spent his time writing. At the age of 12 was the first time he showed some of his writing to friends. He was twenty when his first book was published in his home town. Two years later he published another one while his first was picked up in two other cities. When he turned 30 he left his home and started traveling, writing and sometimes doing smithy work. As he traveled he continued to write. Then when he returned to his home city to visit his adoptive family he published another two books. When asked why he does this, his answer is that the traveling fuels his writing ability.   Kilolim’s books fall into a few categorizes, such as adventurer, skills, or traveling. Here are the top two adventure books titles are “Enemies of Wind” and “Precious Technology”. Two of his skill of smithing books are “Trusting the Stone” and “Silver Fate”. The top travel book is “Travels through stone and wood”.   There are a few reasons why his books are so popular. One is partly due to the fact that there are very few dwarf authors. Another reason is because of the knowledge that he has on his skill topic, which is the mix of elf smith skills and dwarf smith skills. Because of this mix between the two he has dwarf and elf readers. Also the way he writes his skills book has some reaching for his adventure books. His travel books are also written a bit like an adventure book but with more facts and tidbits that he picks up along the way.
Current Status
Traveling and working on a new book.
Dark brown
Long reddish brown with a slight wave in it.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light tanned skin.
5 foot
200 lbs.


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