Kirlem Den

On the southern part of Pia, about ten miles from the coast sits a spectacular cliff jutting up out of a thick forest. The cliff is called Killingver Wall, and the forest is called Algus Forest. Algus Forest is a good place for hunting. Killingver cliff rises high out of the Algus forest creating a barrier for further travel in that direction. Many have to walk ten miles in either direction to go around it. Those experienced hunters kept the wall in their vision as a way to return to their homes. However, they don’t hunt close to it no real reason has ever been given. The less experienced hunters don’t always do that and will end up lost if not with a more experienced hunter. About ten years ago this happened to a young hunter. He was lost and night time was quickly approaching. In a last-ditch effort to find shelter for the night, he headed towards Killingver Wall. As he was trying to find a safe place for the night he found a crack along the seemingly endless cliff face. He approached the crack and found that it opened up into a large cave. The hunter quickly made sure that there was nothing in the cave that would attack him and hold up for the night. The next morning he left and went home. It wasn’t until two years later when he was talking to a friend, who studied rocks, did he told anyone about it.   The friend asked the hunter to take him to the crack. So they headed out with enough supplies for a few days. The hunter quickly found the same crack in the cliff. The friend was surprised at the scale of the opening that his friend found.   Over the next year, the friend continued to come out to the cliff with others to study what they had called Kirlem Den.   Kirlem Den has a small door-like entrance which then opens into a large high ceiling room. Three tunnels are branching off of the first room. They have so far explored one of the tunnels fully. Finding evidence of some occupation. They are wondering if it was artificially made but do not know yet. However, when stepping into the second tunnel they can hear water but don’t know where it is.   As the word has gotten out about Kirlem Den many have wanted to visit, however, they are keeping the exact location a secret until they can understand the space a bit more.


Tempture is a consent.


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