Klink Celebration

On Merisack the religion Aliashi has a week-long celebration known as Klink. This celebration was started by the religious leaders to help remind the people about their safe arrival on Merisack. They also wanted them to celebrate their freedom. It was celebrated with lots of food and simply enjoying each other’s company. As the years have passed this has changed. At first, it was a way to celebrate being free of a tyrant king and being able to be free. Slowly it has changed into just a huge week-long party. There is lots of food, music, late nights. There are public parties that can have nudity but it is tame compared to what the private parties are like. Now in Aliashi, there is a strict moral code. No murder No stealing No telling of falsehoods Faithful to one partner Be respectful These are just a few of the rules that they had. Breaking these rules was met with harsh punishments. Some punishments were worse than others depending on what rules were broken.   However, during the Klink celebration, these rules were relaxed. When it first started rules like not indulging in gluttony were overlooked. Now, more and more things are being overlooked. When the celebration first started almost everyone participated even the most religious of the group. Now though many religious leaders are suggesting to put an end to it. Many other people ignore or just don’t participate in the celebration. On a few of the islands, Klink Celebration has been banned. There are only three locations in Merisack that hold the Klink celebration. These are also locations that those not from the area find to be lacking in morality.


Started the year after the Lazcian hybrids had safely arrived on Merisack.  Their religious leaders at the time wanted the people to remember how they got their freedom by celebrating freedom.  Relaxing some of the rules for just a week, spending time with family and loveones.   As time as gone on it has become more a week long party of ignoring all religous law.


The last week of the fifth month, each year.


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