Land Dhole

The Land Dhole is a small mammal that is roughly the size of a rabbit. They have four legs, although sometimes they walk on their hind legs to reach up with their hand like front feet. They have a small rounded triangle like head. They don’t have ears that stick up but have slits on the side of their heads where ears would be. They have large round eyes but their eye sight is not great. Their nose sticks out a little bit and is their strongest sense. They have no tales and are a gray color. The Land Dhole’s diet consists of dead animals in the spring and summer time. During the fall and winter they eat decaying plants and trees. They use their front legs for digging, pulling apart decaying animals and bringing it to their mouths.   The Land Dhole lives about ten years. They mate yearly but are not picky and will have several mates throughout their lives.   The Land Dhole is found on every continent except for Shamic Atoll. They help the decay of animals and plants to keep the things continuing around. They are not hunted or sought out by people as their meat is not good nor is their fur. However, sometimes farmers, or ranchers will kill them off out of their land.

Basic Information


small mammal about the size of a rabbit.  Four legs, no tale.  Front legs have hand like paws.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Land Dhole's mating seson is the start of the fall.  The male travels around to find a female, they will then spray around the female and if she likes the smell she will follow and mate with the male if not the female will hide in their den.  After the mating process, and if it takes, the female will carry her young for two months before giving birth to two to four young.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Land Dhole starts out about the size of the female's paw.  They stay in the den with their mother who until the young are a month old will not leave their young.  At a month old the young are about half the size of the mother.  The mother then goes out and gets decaying leaves to give to the young as she is starting to reduce the milk that she produces.  By end of four months they are about same size of their mother.  At this point it is spring and the mother starts showing them where and how to find animales to eat.  A month before the young are a year old the mother kicks them out right before the start of mating sesaon.
Scientific Name
Conservation Status
None, as they are found widespread.


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