Mysterious Mastiq writings

Sitting in a museum in the dwarf gate town of Kal Todir is a stone book. The pages of this stone book are held together by four metal rings. The pages are made of a thin rock known as Clauhil which naturally breaks into thin but sturdy sheets. Within this book there are sections. Each section talks about different civilizations that a historian called Gorier Bonearm met in their journeys around the land. All the civilizations were known except for one only known as the Mastiq. For two hundred years the Mastiq were thought of as a myth. A civilization that Gorier had made up to help round out his mostly correct book with a few exaggerations. It wasn’t until a young dwarf named Nodwlyn Ambermail came across some ruins as she was trying to find a certain stone for a project she was working on. The only reason they were able to figure out that it was from the Mastiq people was that Gorier Bonearm provided a sample of the writing for each civilization that had one. It matched what he had written.   The Gorier book is now known as Mysterious Mastiq Writings as his book is the first place that they found about the Mastiq. However, while Gorier does write in the language of the Mastiq he does not give a translation of what he wrote. Many think that this is because Gorier really didn’t learn the language and just looked at one of the carvings and copied what was written there.   While historians have been able to learn that the Mastiq was a civilization there is still very little known about them. In the Mysterious Mastiq Writings Gorier gives a very fantastically account, which is why many thought that he had just made it up. So as they work through the ruins found by Nodwlyn they are trying to piece what the civilization was really like.


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