Narvin Alcarn Character in Aridida | World Anvil

Narvin Alcarn

Narvin Alcarn Here is the tale of Narvin Alcarn. Narvin Alcarn was a man who was a highly regarded magic user. He was average hight, had brown eyes, light brown hair, a sharp angled face. In Taewe, which stood as a guardian town close to a forest and mountains, everyone knew him. He lived just outside the town walls a little bit in the woods. He was known for his exceptional ability in mixing potions. He was also known to always have animals around him day and night. When Narvin was younger he lived with his wife in the town. They were well liked, helped their neighbors and were general outgoing. One night the couple decided to take a walk late in the afternoon. Come the next morning when a local widower came to ask Narvin for something did the town learn that he wasn’t there. A year later he appeared buying supplies in the town square. When asked about the disappearance or his wife he gave no answer. Narvin was also a little curt but not unpleasant to people. This is when he would found living outside the wall of the town. There were rumors that flew around about what had happened but none were confirmed or denied. As Narvin grew older many noticed that he would be experimenting more with his potions and magic. When asked about it he would just say that he is trying to grow stronger to protect everyone. Then one spring Narvin wouldn’t leave his cabin and wouldn’t let any one in. On the summer equinox Taewe celebrated late into the night. Just as this celebration was winding down there was a huge explosion, followed by a wave of strong magic that swept across the town ended at the forest’s edge then pulled back towards the explosion. At the center of the explosion stood Narvin Alcarn where his cabin had once been. Only now he was different. Most notable was the triangle fuzzy ears on his head, next was that he had fur from his neck down, with a tail. His eyes had changed from brown normal human to a amber color with a vertical slit pupil. The town people were shocked, confused and tried to talk to Narvin. However, Narvin didn’t say anything before walking into the forest to never be seen again.   Now if this just effected Narvin Alcarn it would just be a myth, tall tale. Sadly it was not just Narvin that was affected that night. Over the next three weeks everyone in the town fell ill. Same symptoms, fever, exhaustion, before falling into a deep sleep. Once waking from this deep sleep after four days they were changed. Fur from neck down, a growth of a tail, some new ears, sharper nails, eyes now had slit pupils and all their senses were enhanced significantly. The only problem is anyone that could perviously use magic they were no longer able to.   Thus this is how Narvin Alcarn not only metamorphosed himself but an entire town and gave birth to a new race.
Brown/ amber
light brown hair


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