Ramat Sabana

Ramat Sabana is a city located in a remote river valley called Emsheim, surrounded by mountains on either side. One side is the Arnvista Tips and on the other is the Niatois Peaks. Each of these mountains ranges have a passes through them to Ramat Sabana. Through the Arnvista Tips is the Glacial Gap. While the pass through Niatois Peaks is Emsboar Notch. These passes are good but travel through them is long and for much of the year dangerous to pass through. The Emsheim River which Ramat Sabana is built around and next too runs through the mountains. The Emsheim River is a deep meandering river, resulting in a very easy to navigate river. Because the river is so easy to navigate, it is the cheapest, quickest way to reach Ramat Sabana. While there is much trade that comes through Ramat Sabana, due to the large amount of farming and herding throughout the valley it is not the main draw to the city. Ramat Sabana is considered a city state as they run the whole valley, guard the mountain pass and monitor the river flow. The main draw to Ramat Sabana is that it’s reputation is a party city. It is known as the city of Dreams or for others Greed city. The laws in Ramat Sabana are more relaxed then the kingdoms surrounding it. There are many places with in the city for gambling on many different games and sports. Their laws regarding certain substance that are forbidden else where are much more relaxed. Also the exchange of certain sexual pleasures.   While the town is known for it’s party, pleasure it is also know that if rules are broken it is not pleasant. If one breaks a law, the punishments are severe. The lowest punishment that one can receive is being escorted out of the valley and banned for life. Death is the most severe punishment, however it is usually not just death there are different ways they die and that is depended on the law that they broke. Even with the severe punishments Ramat Sabana is still well known and one of the most visited places on Aueix.


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