Stunning mare

The Stunning mare is a mammal about the size of a miniature horse. They have four strong stocky legs with hoofed feet. A medium length neck, almond shaped eyes on the sides of its head, and pointed ears on top. A mussel nose with a wide mouth with flat teeth as it is a plant eater. Has a coat of soft fur with the colors of browns, black, and white. They can be solid colored or a mix. They have a long white tail. The back of the neck down the back to the tail is covered in long thin needle like barbs. These barbs can be, when threatened, shot up to twenty feet away. These barbs are clear and take the color of the fur under them.   The Stunning mare is found mostly on Imor and Odoa. However, they have been seen on the southern part of Aueix. Their home is found in the woods and grasslands. They like moist areas but not mud and swampy areas.   The Stunning mare mates for life, unless their mate is killed when both are young then the living mate will take on another. Many times as when the older Stunning mares lose their mate they will stop eating and taking care of themselves and die shortly there after. Spring time is the Stunning mare’s mating season. A pair of Stunning mares will mate once every two years. After a pair have mated the female will gestate for 100 days before giving birth. The male will stay somewhat close to protect the female and foal. However, the female is responsible for feeding and raising the foal. For the first year the foal will only drink milk from it’s mother. Once the foal is a year old it then starts to eat the food of it’s parents. This is also when the male is seen more closely with the mother and foal. By a year and half the foal is considered mostly mature, however it will not leave it’s parents side until the next mating season. This is where the male will then run off the foal making them find their own mate.


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