Temple of Aenar

Deep in the forest resting at the foot of a mountain sites a temple on the continent named Pia. It is called the Temple of Aenar. This temple is known around the world. Not for the religion but for the knowledge, peace and refuge away from the world. There is a religious order that does run the temple, the Kigar. However, the Kigar are a very welcoming. Those who belong to the Kigar religion teach mutual respect, kindness, love and knowledge. They are very open to others as long as they are respectful. Because of this acceptance the temple has become well-known through out the world.   The temple sits deep in the forest and was first found by the women of the Gaipia people, during their rebellion against the Ogresian Dynasty. At the time it was a stone relic that had only one main room with a few side rooms. As the women had time to explore they could see that it was only partially finished and looked like the people had to flee unexpectedly. They found drawings as to the finished temple. The name on the drawings and carved on some of the stone was the name Aenar. They named it that, even though none know what it was to be named. Several years after the successful rebellion against Ogresian Dynasty the Kigar ventured to the site and began to build it out. They fixed up the main building before finishing it by digging into the mountain by using the drawings found in the temple. The Kigar also added more buildings, all connected by hallways. They also built a wall with a gate around the temple site. “Enter here all those who are weary of the world, seeking peace and knowledge.” Is carved at the top of the gates. The temple now stands as a beacon in the forest, a resting place from the world’s cares. All are welcomed to stay as long as the wish as long as the follow the rules. These rules are written in stone at the front gate before entering the Temple grounds. Then again told when entering the temple its self along with the consequences if fail to follow the rules. Breaking of the rules results in immediate removal. Depending on the rule broken, one may come back after a set amount of time. However if there is a second rule broken banned for life. Some rules though if broken are an immediate ban for life. With this many still come to enjoy the quite, be able to relax in the forest or mountain. Though there are many who also come to study the many text in the library that the Kigar have set up.


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