The Allenar Guard

Between the two kingdoms of Narean and Ehosha lies an old temple. This temple is called Allenar. The temple Allenar sits in the center of a temple complex that has a wall around surrounding it. The temple complex is two hundred square miles. Inside the complex there are several different groups. There are those that are devoted to serve Allenar and serve in the temple. There are gardeners and herdsmen that focus on the food for the complex. Lastly there is the guard. They are called the Allenar guards. This guard has two groups. There is an outside group that escorts travelers to the temple complex. The inside group guards the temple complex from within. Each member of the Allenar Guard does time in both groups. The inner group is make up of several squads each numbering ten. There is a squad leader that reports to the head squad leader. There are three head squad leaders that over see them all. Then the outer group is made of fifteen members again with a squad leader. These report to one of the four direction heads. To keep their high there is recruitment from within the temple complex, and from devoted Allenar members that live all over. The recruits are in the ages between 25-30. They then go through a very rigorous training for ten years. Those that pass the final test are able to join the guard. If one fails they have another five years of training and if they again fail they are not allowed to join the guard. However, the leaders and priests may find another job with in the temple complex to do.   The Allenar Guard started one thousand years ago. They developed out of a need for protection. The land that the temple complex stood on was originally belonged to one kingdom Lapan. Sadly when the reigning king died his son and son-in-law fought over who was the rightful heir. The conflict split the Lapan kingdom into Narean and Ehosha. This conflict is still going on as at the present time there is a shaky truce. At the beginning of this conflict there were many attacks around the temple complex. There were even a few at the temple doors of troops wanting to destroy the temple. With in the year several of the priests and monks living there built the wall that contains the temple complex and started the guard. The guard informed both kings that their land was going to be free of their conflict and they would defend from either side. The kings conceded this and the temple complex became a haven between the two kingdoms. Many of the people of both kingdoms are believers of Allenar and wanted to visit but getting there was very dangerous. This is where the outer guard was formed to bring worshipers from either kingdoms. There is an acknowledgment from both kingdoms now to not attack. However there is the random attack from captains or generals that think they are entitled to the food and shelter of the Temple of Allenar.


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Aug 17, 2024 21:21 by Marjorie Ariel

That's nice that someone who fails the test to be in the guard can sometimes be given a different job by the temple leaders. If they've put 15 years into training, they certainly seem dedicated enough to have earned that