The Rising Feud

Standing at the edge of a huge lake named Storm Range, you might not understand what had happened here. About 600 years ago this land was not what it is now. There was a small river that ran through an area called Storm Range which was a large grassland. There was a human town called LagoonShore which stood in the middle of the grassland. The whole town was on stilts and during spring the whole grassland would flood. This flooding would bring in very fertile soil allowing the town to farm most of the grassland called Storm Range. Near by there is a elven town called Raen Taesi which resided in a higher grassland called Garden fields. These two towns just kind of existed. There was some trade but it was minimal due to some concerns both towns had about a long ago feud that neither knows what it was about but are not ready to address.   As with everything there were good years and bad years. The humans had tracked it and found that about every ten years would be a flood year. A year where the flood water wouldn’t retreat util midsummer, resulting in bad crops. Many times to make up for this they would prepare for the flood years so that they could feed their people. Then suddenly about 600 years ago that changed. There was a flood year that lasted until late summer which the towns people of LagoonShore had expected, however this time there were no crops. The next year was again odd but this time it was odd in the fact that there was no flood, so they had bumper crops. The next four years followed this pattern. Then there was four years of flood without crops. Many of the people in LagoonShore started to become restless. There were some religious people say that it was punishment for the disorder that had take over the town. Some people were it is just crazy weather. Then there were those that were saying that the Elves were attacking them over the feud.   At first many were on the thought that it was just crazy weather but as the flooding kept staying longer and longer they began to think that someone was behind it. There was talk of forming a army to attack the elves but before they could the next two years were normal so it was forgotten. That was until in the third year when it was the worst flooding that they had experienced. It lasted into the winter to the point where there was still very shallow lake when the frost hit, freezing the water. As that winter passed the flood become worse causing much of the city to flee to the higher ridge around the Storm Range. Another year spent with the floods not retreating in fact all though the summer it continued to deepen. With very little food and feeling that the elves were somehow behind this tragedy. They gathered all they could and decided to attack Raen Taesi.   They attacked and over the next month neither could gain the upper hand. So finally the Raen Taesi elves sent an ambassador to understand the undue attack. The LagoonShore people yelled and blamed them for the loss of their land. This shocked the Raen Taesi folk so they sent a group out to see what had happened to the Storm Range. When they came back they informed their leaders that indeed Storm Range was now a large lake. LagoonShore was no more. This shocked the Raen Taesi Governor and he immediately called for a meeting with his officials. By the end of the day of the group’s return the Raen Taesi Governor personally arrived on the battle field and asked to speak to the LagoonShore Mayor. At first the humans were skeptical about it but the mayor agreed as long as he was allowed a few guards. They talked late into the night and finally by morning they came to a solution. The feud that had created the distrust between the two was worked out and the people of LagoonShore were allowed to build and live in the Garden field.   It took a several years but tensions worked out and now the once strictly elven town of Raen Taesi was now a elven and human town.


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