The Shadow

The Shadow, is an organization, that works in the background protecting the regular folk. The Shadow is in the country of Lazci on Eanith, which consists mostly of humans and elves. There are very few hybrids that also live there. There used to be a lot more hybrids than there currently are. The reason that there are not more is also part of how the Shadow started. This all started about 1400 years ago there was a king. History has lost this king’s name. There are no written records of his name and he was the last of his line. He has become only known as the Tyrant king. This king was such a tyrant that if you were not like him you were persecuted. Such as if you were not an elf, male, or rich you were fair game. If you insulted him or he just didn’t like what you said you were also targeted. After 400 years of trouble most of the hybrids that could gather together and left. They established a kingdom in the Merisack chain. As the hybrids were leaving, the ones who stayed behind started an organization with the other elves and humans. They worked together to take down this Tyrant king. Once he was removed another high official took his place. To the public because this king was doing what they should the Shadow disappeared and was forgotten by most. They are almost a rumor or myth for many people.   However, the Shadow learned and understood that working in the shadows was the best. They are still around, taking care of any corruption, in the government, military, business, and if necessary themselves.   There have been three times since the Shadow was started that it took out corruption within its organization.   The top position is the Earl Vice who lives in the capital overseeing everything. Below the Earl Vice, there are four Earls one for each of the other major cities in Lazci. They report to the Earl Vice. Under the Earls there are commanders. These commanders run teams and take care of sections of the city, the towns, and villages. The Team Leads are in charge of their teams. Lastly, there are the techs.   Each group works together to find corruption and come up with ways to take care of it. The Shadow has a saying Actions bring results. Although sometimes the results are not exactly what they originally want for the most part the Shadow does it’s job of battling corruption around them.


Top leader called Earl Vice.  Four indivuals that carry the title Earl.  Under them there are comanders, Team leads and lastly the techs.

Public Agenda

To bring down corcuption any coruption, everywhere.


Formed during a very corupt and tryant king 1000 years ago.

Actions bring results



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