The Zanqir

Two thousands years ago in a wide fertile valley was a elven city called Nilvedell.  This was a city of a elves, who honed their skils and lived peacefully.  They were called the Zanqir. This city sat on one side of the valley close to the mountain range. There was one road that came into and out of the city, that came across the valley pass many farms. The mountain directly behind the city and was considered to be a gateway to the demon world. The temple a short way up is considered sacred. Nothing will grow on this mountain. It is like a vertical maze of tall and short rocks with the top half looking as if it has been burnt. Any one that attempts to climb higher than the temple resolution in one to two things. A gruesome death their body to be found at the base of the mountain or never to be seen again. Now inside the temple is a flame that will not be extinguished. The Zanqir believed that the flame is apart of the spell keeping the demons from escaping the mountain and raining terror on the populace. The Zanqir would kept guard in this temple day and night. All in the city were trained to fight.    Then one dark stormy night an elf that had gone missing 20 years ago appeared at the temple doors. The guards took them in against the better judgement of one of the youngest guards. By morning all the guards except for the youngest who was found knocked out at the base of the mountain had been killed. Now while the people were wondering what had happened the city was attacked by a greedy wizard and their army.  There were many killed as the army attacked while the wizard used his magic to cause more confusion and destruction.  The aftermath was the Zanqir fleeing vowing to return. Since this attack the once fertile valley is now a blacken scrub land. Monsters and demons regularly attack neighboring areas.    The Zanqir elves now roam the lands. Traveling from place to place.  They travle in a groups and are only in one area at the longest 5 years before they move on.  They are respectful, and are well-known for being the lost people. However they are also well-known for looking for knowledge. Each place they travel to they scour the libraries or vaults looking for ways to return to their homeland safely.


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