Human Species in Arihasa | World Anvil


Humans on Arihasa are like a parasite, they're leeching of off the land. They are only the dominant race on Arihasa due to their fast birth rate to get their numbers up. Humans are very greedy and wanna dominate the entire world, getting rid of the other races and occupying everything on Arihasa themselves. From the land to the ressources and the entire magical power in the world itself. If that would happen the world probably would be getting destroyed. They are deceiving the other races on a regular basis, starting wars with other races and much more.

Basic Information


Plain old humans. They aren't particular strong or skilled in any kind of ability. Humans are the all-rounder race of the world. Though cunning and deceiving.


They are deceiving and cunning. The world is plagued by their war lust and exploitation of the world. In most areas of the world they can be found exploiting living beings and ressources for their own personal gain.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans are being found everywhere on the world except for a few places where the inhabitants or the environment are too harsh for them to set foot into.

Average Intelligence

Being an all-rounder race, they have some intelligence but other races are more intelligent by a long shot. Although they strive in the war and deceiving of the races. But they aren't particular long sighted. They only see the momentarily benefit of their actions and not what they do with the world in the long run.

Work in Progress!

Scientific Name
Homo sapiens
40 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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