The law of Mana Physical / Metaphysical Law in Arihasa | World Anvil

The law of Mana

Credits are going to:
Ayama: author - worldbuilder - cartographer.
SatyricAbyss: co-author - editor - voice actor.
Mana is this universe’s main source of power. World and life itself depend on it, and is thus seamlessly connected to every living creature in this world. The magical properties are also connected to the natural flow of this mana.   Mana flows through the world like veins, with so called ‘hot zones’, where the presence of mana is higher than in other parts of the world. This creates anomalies, such as natural barriers or locations where seasons never change.


Natural mana is invisible to all living creatures, but they can feel it flow through the world and their body, as if it’s a cycle, much like blood.   An area with a high density of mana can create anomalies, which are visible to all living creatures, but rarely understood by any.


The natural mana present in the magical forest of Omisla proves the effect of never changing seasons. It’s always spring in the magical forest of omisla

Cover image: by Satyric Abyss


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