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Arion Common Law

Judgement and Execution

All punishments as listed above will be meted out by either a magistrate and in the case of Severe crimes, a trial before the Council of Heroes’ Rest or each Faction's leadership. The accused will be allowed to plead their case and have witnesses or others present if agreed to beforehand with the Council. If the accused does not present themselves for trial upon the allocated trial date, their sentence will be passed in their absence and handed out for execution by the appropriate executive branch.  


Fines: A fine payable in gold or goods. Where the criminal does not have the resources to pay a fine, a payment plan or payment through public services will be considered. A liege lord or faction leadership may also offer to pay fines on behalf of their vassals.   Restoration of Goods: If the offence involved loss or property, the punishment may be the restoration of the lost property to the offended party. These negotiations will be done with both the criminal and the victim of the crime to find a suitable agreement.   Public Services: The criminal may be asked to provide recompense for their crime through deliver services to either those who have been wronged, or to the public in general.   Execution: Certain server crimes may lead to execution of the criminal. The manner of death is dependent on the circumstances. Death in this case manes the spirit dissipates to seek resurrection, not merely existing in the state of death prior to receiving a life spell.   Imprisonment: Incarceration for a defined period of time. The criminal shall continue receiving sustenance and water, but will not be allowed any possessions or visitors.   Exile: A criminal may be exiled for severe crimes. This may be exile from a specific area, building, faction or all of Arion. Exile always has a fixed time period and the criminal may return once the sentence has been served. They will be stripped of all rights, protections and benefits afforded to them during this time. Exile appeals, where the criminal appeals to the Council may be made once a minimum exile period has passed.   Edict: A public announcement or edict will be issued against the criminal, prohibiting them from performing certain actions, approaching certain people etc. An edict may accompany any punishment as listed.   Note that the above is not an exhaustive list and punishment may vary depending on the crime and judgement of each case.  



Offence Possible Punishments
Murder Execution and possible exile
Necromancy Execution and possible exile
Slavery Execution and possible exile
Treason Execution and possible exile


Offence Possible Punishments
Arson Fines, restoration of goods, public service
Burglary Fines, restoration of goods, imprisonment
Attempter Murder Execution, fines, imprisonment


Offence Possible Punishments
Assault Public service, fines
Bribery of a public official Imprisonment, fines
Destruction of Public Property Imprisonment, fines, public service
Theft Fines, restoration of goods
Forgery Public service, fines
Perjury Public service, fines


Offence Possible Punishments
Conspiracy to commit a crime Dependent on severity of crime
Accomplice in a crime Dependent on severity of crime

Pact Violations

  Pact violations where the accused has signed the oaths/joined the Pact will be dealt with by Pact Leaders, as each pact will assess the severity of the violation


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