Deep Woods of Elladrel

Inspiration: Pacific Northwest, Black Forest, Misty Arthurian Forests   The Deep Woods of Elladrel is found in the northwest region of Arkadia , with the Spine on the east side, the Brace on the south side. Almost the entire region is spanned by a single gigantic forest that changes in composition aas it moves from north to south and east to west.   It is home to the majority of elf races, and other similar races. Think of an elven empire at its height rather than the standard trope of the dwindling race. Gnomes, halflings, firbolgs, haregons, and other species naturally inclined to forests can be found here as well.   Travelers through Elladrel will find a friendly, warm, and welcoming people. But the majority of the forest cannot be seen by the the average traveler.  It is instead hidden behind what are called The Secret Ways - secret paths into and out of the deep forest. This where the veil is thinnest in Elladrel, and often crosses with the Feywild or with Shadowfell.


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