Hermanton Teriador's Advice for Running an Inn

  • POOL NOT POCKET: set up a different fund to cover the expenses and capture profits. This way you know exactly how much you have as it's all in one place, and sharing profits is easier.
  • THE MEAT IN TEAM: Your team is everything. Are you working towards one common vision? Do you all know your roles? Do you have enough people? Are they trained?
  • CLICK WITH YOUR CLIENTELE: What customer are you trying to attract? What services or standards do those customers expect or want (or need, but don't know they need)
  • LAYOUT FOR PAYOUT: Build your tavern to maximize the things you want to sell - more food, more ale? Expensive vs. cheap? You may want to change it up midway through the night!
  • WORD TO HERD: The time leading up to the day of your event needs to be spent on getting word of mouth working for you! The day of is too late - the number of people you should expect is locked in day, and sometimes days ahead of time.
  • VIPs ARE GIDs (getim in the door): getting a few well known people to attend will drive others to come too! Everyone wants to be where the hot people are at. Be careful, though, VIPs can be fickle.
  • PREPARATION STOPS EARLY: Day of the event is too late! You have to set things up the month, week, days before. You should be able to open first thing in the morning, and if something prevents you from doing anything else that day.
  • OPT FOR OPTIONS: have food & drink available at different price points! You'll have something for everyone then. It is more complex to manage, but this will give you variety of clients. But don't worry about having something ready for customers that may not show up!
  • CHUNK YOUR DAY: Don't bother with breakfast, no money in it unless you've got people staying at the inn. Open early for lunch, and take this time to do finishing touches while earning some money. Then split the night into dinner rush and the party. Maybe want to change up staff, don't need as many servers during party, don't need as many bruisers in dinner!
  • ABC - ALWAYS BE CHEERFUL: Nobody wants a frowny face! A pleasant demeanor will get happier customers and a happy customer is a paying customer!
  • UPSELL FOR PROFIT SWELL: Treat yourself, you tell them. You'll probably want something to nibble on while you down that ale, tell them.
  • SNAG THAT REST: Working all day long is exhausting! Take breaks, take a nap, switch off. That's why you have employees!
  • PROTECT THE PROFIT: Put the till in a safe place and make sure to empty it periodically. People will be looking to swipe your hard earned money, don't make it easy for them by leaving it all in one place. Keep it safe.


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