Society in Dracaryx


  Dracaryx is a nation of cloud bursting mountain peaks, dizzying waterfalls that plunge into crystal clear pools, craggy and inhospitable plateaus, vast flowering mountain meadows, and, along the coast, sheer cliffs that stretch for miles, with massive waves crashing up against them.   It is home to primarily dragonborn and vedalken, with little representation outside of these races. A third of the population lives inside cities atop the highest peaks in Dracaryx, each centered around a sky-scraping needle-like towers of pure glass which they call "Diamond Spires". Another third live in villages, primarily in the lowlands or costal regions. A final third are nomadic, ranging across the various alpine territories, going from highlands to lowlands and back again on a regular schedule.

Regions of Dracaryx

  Dracaryx is divided into several regions:
  • The Coast: A series of cliffs abut the ocean to the east, and waves crash angrily upon their face. Villages dot the cliffsides, and occasionally a river cuts the earth deep enough that a village can be found nestled in the valley, right alongside the sea.
  • The Lowlands: Rolling meadows which can support a reasonable amount of agriculture. Dotted with farming villages.
  • The Highlands: Massive plateaus and glorious mountain meadows. The nomadic dragonborn move from lowlands to highlands depending on the time of year.
  • The Mountains: Most cities in Dracaryx can be found at the highest peaks in the land. The mountains stretch for miles and miles.
  • The Borderlands: Valleys running alongside the barrier mountain ranges to the west and south of Dracaryx. Individuals in these regions interacted with the dwarves more than others, and suffered more at their rule.

Dracaryx Society

  The people of Dracaryx are diverse and it can be difficult to generalize. However, people of other nations would remark on their ingenuity, their connection to the arcane, their studiousness, their willingness to tolerate hardship, but also their overly serious nature, their reluctance to share outside of Dracaryx, trite philosophies, and an obsession with fate. These attitudes, of course, reinforce the reluctance to share with people who 'just wouldn't understand'.   Dracaryx does not have a high diversity of species: dragonborn hold almost all positions of power, rank, and reputation. The vedalken people have shown little interest in such matters, preferring instead to dedicate themselves to supporting and uplifting the dragonborn, to such a degree that it occasionally veers into dragonborn worship. It is virtually unheard of for a vedalken to take the lead; but it is not uncommon to see brilliant vedalken supporting less impressive dragonborn. Vedalken are rarely seen outside of the company of the dragonborn they support.   All dragonborn and vedalken see themselves as a single nation: Dracaryx. There are sub-regions to this nation, and there are cultural differences among these regions, but they all see themselves as part of a larger whole.   Dracaryx society is comprised of three pillars: mysticism, magic, and technology. Outside of this there is still opportunity to rise to a high ranking position, with wealth and reputation for yourself or your family. However these are not acknowledged as pillars, and as such are seen to be less 'honorable'. A family could be involved in mining, agriculture, commerce, artistry, or many other pursuits. Dragonborn can rise to extreme levels of wealth and influence in these roles, but will often find themselves behind a mystic, a mage, or a technologist who have achieved less overall.   Dracaryx is largely governed by a meritocracy, whereby the highest ranking mystic, mage, or technologist holds ultimate sway. Decision making is shrouded in secrecy. There is no formal council of the various pillars, but the highest ranking mystic, mage, and technologist all consult each other regularly. As such power in Dracaryx is decentralized, as none of the highest three officials would cross over into the other's territory. Disputes among the three are handled in discussion among the three, in secrecy.   Each of the three pillars organizes itself according to its own internal rules. There are many other organizations in Dracaryx, each of which is also self-organizing, but paying ultimate respect to the mystics and pay close heed to their council.  


  The mystics segregate themselves into many different monasteries that are spread out across Dracaryx. Some monasteries are found deep in the heart of major urban centers, whereas others can only be found in the most remote regions of Dracaryx, while others have no physical place but instead roam along with the nomads of the lowlands to highlands.   The head mystic is termed "Prabud'dha ēka" ("The Enlightened One") and is consulted on all momentous decisions, and their opinion is considered sacred to all in Dracaryx. It is borderline heresy to go against the advice of The Enlighted One. Decisions which need input from The Enlightened One but do not merit disturbing his valuable time are instead handled by their second, called "Nālī" (Conduit). This role is at the discretion of the Enlightened One.   This position is for life, and when The Enlightened One passes, or steps down, a new search begins.   The heads of the various schools get together in Eshalha, the highest peak in Dracaryx, to decide on the process by which they will identify potentials. Once the search strategy is decided upon, all the mystic schools begin the search. Potentials are put through a series of trials in Eshalha, the makeup of which are secret. The first potential to pass the tests gains the title of "Enlighted One". The Enlightened One takes up residence in the topmost room in the Diamond Spire in Eshalha, where they are tended to by a retinue of over 100 vedalken who occupy the rest of the tower. The Enlightened One chooses a new Vox   Each school runs according to their own tenets, each with their own heirarchy.   The largest, most well-known, monasteries are:
  • Pradi - a series of monasteries along the border of the lowlands and the highlands.
  • Guan-pa - a series of monasteries along the southern mountain ride
  • Kardoma - a single, massive monastery that covers a series of peaks in the Kardoma mountain range.


  Magic is treated similarly to mysticism in that it is subdivided into different schools, but unlike mysticism there is a clear and well defined organization that coordinates them all, and the number and makeup of these schools is proscribed. There are eight schools of magic: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, and Transmutation. Each school is referred to as "The Tower of <x>", and is run out of a different location in Dracaryx. The organization above them all is called The Ninth Tower, and they coordinate among the Heads of each Tower to ensure smooth operation.   The Ninth Tower is located in Kualum Dura, and is one of the famed Diamond Spires. Each of the schools of magic has a tower within Kualum Dura as well, in a specified location that circumscribe the peak. It is said that this is necessary to obtain a harmonious confluence of magic across the schools. The Ninth Tower is overseen by the Grand Archmage, generally considered to be the most powerful mage in Dracaryx. In reality, this is rarely the case, as powerful mages often want to spend time practicing and studying magic, rather than adminstration.   Anyone may apply to be a student of the towers, but it is well known that magic runs stronger in some bloodlines than others. Students outside of Dracaryx are welcome to study here, but are not allowed to remain. They must return home with what they have learned.   In recent years, a parallel Ninth Tower has been set up in Caldera City. Ostensibly this new organization is the highest level of authority in the mageocracy, and it pulls from all over Arkadia. However this is yet to be seen, and some regard this as a parallel structure, rather than heirarchical. Similarly, other Ninth Tower schools have begun to spring up around Arkadia - some of which are doing so without any actual relationship to the Dracaryx or Caldera City Ninth Tower.


  Technology is similar to mysticism in that it is subdivided into schools (called academies) that each run independently, but unlike mysticism there is no singular leader. Instead, many schools have banded together to form a self-regulating organization called The Association of Academies which sets standards that other schools must follow. Technology, in this case, typically refers to harnessing raw magic to power devices and contraptions. There are some academies which focus on the application of technology without the use of magic, but these are rare.   The largest academies are:
  • The Academy of Engineering: Generally focused on civil engineering. Graduates of this academy are responsible for construction and maintenance of the gravity defying Needle Spires.
  • Academy of Mining Engineering: New since the Cataclysm, as the dwarven prohibition on mining was no longer enforced. A rapidly growing school.
  • SkyLab: Generally focused on methods of flight. The earliest skyships were invented here.
  • The Automaton Institute: Generally focused on ways to construct automatons. Their ambitions far outstrip their output, which has resulted in useful, but minor, methods of automation.
  • The School of Marine Exploration: Generally focused on constructing methods to explore the oceans. Considered a bit odd by many, yet none can deny the lure of the unknown.

The Council of Three

  Matters of great import to Dracaryx are discussed first among the Council of Three, which includes Nālī, the High Archmage of the Ninth Tower, and a rotating representative selected from the Association of Academies (generally one of the academy heads). These three individuals meet via arcane means to confer about a topic of particular importance. Most decisions are handled by the Council of Three, and most of the council's decisions are respected. Only if the Council of Three agrees does the question proceed to The Enlightened One.  

Other Important Organizations / Houses

  • The Trade Union: The largest coordinating body for merchants. Virtually all merchants belong, and adherence to the guidelines is required for membership.
  • The Skyfarers: An organization of 3 houses that comprise the largest collection of skyships, which is the easiest way to transport people and goods through the mountains of Dracaryx. They have recently set up a SkyPort in Caldera City.
  • The Dragonriders of Sekaya: An elite organization of self-declared protectors of Dracaryx. They survive off donations from others and are highly respected throughout Dracaryx.

High Society in Dracaryx

  There are many ways to achieve success and status in Dracaryx - far more than in other nations. Success can be obtained in each of the three pillars, each of which self-organizes and self-regulated. But it is also possible to obtain a high level of respect outside of these pillars, in the other organizations, be it trade, or transport, military, or whatever other venues one chooses to pursue. That being said, wealth and history do carry meaning - the more money you have, the older your organization, and your status within that organization mostly drive status. And it is expected that all members of high society, regardless of your walk of life, respect mystic traditions by practining one or more of the arts, which would include philosophy, meditation, martial arts, or other rituals.   Titles: Titles are given out by each organization, and there is no formal recognition of a 'noble class'. While it is expected that each title be respected and honored, there is also a set of titles, dictated by convention, that can stand in its place. The use of the mysticism titles are in wide use across Dracaryx, regardless of one's actual standing. However, etiquette dictates that the proper title be used, if it is known.   Mysticism:
  • Prabud'dha ēka (Enlightened One) - the supreme mystic, joining across all monasteries
  • Nālī (Conduit) - the voice of the Enlightened One who deals with Arkadian issues.
  • Lama - Superior One. The most correct appelation is Lama, where is the name of the monastery (for example, "Pradi Lama")
  • Śikṣaka - Teacher. A wise and revered master of the monastery who primarily teachers others
  • Khōjakartā - Seeker. A member of a monastery.
If the exact title is not known, then it is acceptable to use the term "Praśnakartā - Questioner" to refer to any member of a monastery.   Magic:
  • Grand Archmage: The head of the Ninth Tower
  • Archmage: A member of the council of the Ninth Tower, generally the head of a tower
  • Councilor Mage: A member of the council of a tower
  • Grand High Mage: The highest ranking member of a tower, not involved with tower leadership.
  • High Mage: A high ranking member of a tower, and a seasoned magic practitioner.
  • Mage: A fully licensed magic practitioner. At this stage, mages can take on petitioners and apprentices.
  • A seasoned student of a magic tower.
  • Apprentice: A newly admitted member of a magic tower.
  • Petitioner: One who seeks admission as a member of a magic tower (which may take years).
If the exact title is not known, then the term "Invoker" can be used.   Technology:
  • Grand Chief Artificer: Generally the highest rank within a school.
  • Grand Artificer: A high rank within a school.
  • Artificer: A fully independent engineer, generally given
  • Lead Engineer: A licensed and seasoned member of a technology school. Generally leads a team of engineers
  • Senior Engineer: A licensed and seasoned member of a technology school.
  • Engineer: A fully licensed member of a technology school.
  • Student: A member of a technology school.
  If the exact title is not known, then the term "Artisan" can be used.   Inheritance: Inheritance can be split into two categories: wealth and position.   Wealth is inherited along familial lines, though the method may differ from monastery to monastery - and all members of society are expected to be part of a monastery. Some part of that is due to the monastery on transfer. It is possible to join or create a pseudo-monastery that will give you liberty of choosing your own laws of inheritance, but this would be scandalous and no respectable member of society would ever be part of this, either inheritor or benefactor.   Position is dictated by the organization in which you participate, and does not generally follow familial lines. Thus one must work hard for success to rise through the ranks, similar to a military position, in order to achieve status. That being said, nepotism is alive and well in Dracaryx, too - there are "mystic" families, "magic" families, "technology" families that all seem to find ways to achieve high status across the generations.


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