Stoutheart Inn Grand Opening Tally

Dinner Rush: 316g (a lot of comp)
Night Shift: 192g (very little shrink, reduced pricing on ales)
Fighting Pit: 13g (130g in total changed hands, and you get 10% of that. Shut down pit early cost you ~ 10g)
Dream Den: 28g (unless someone can remind me if a Healing spell was cast with a charge, I only recall them being cast for free)
Companions: 27.2g (elevated companions did little business)
  Grand Total: 576g2s   Tip Jar: 65g 3s4c   What you have left:   100 wine (~ 50g)
40 liquors (~ 16g)
40 good ales (~ 3.2g)
2 extra-fine meals (10g)   Total: 79 g2s   Outstanding expenses: Taxes @ 414g6c   If you pay this, and give the tips to the staff, then you will have: 162g 1s 4c   (As a reminder, provisions for the grand opening cost ~ 122g, which


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