The Interim Nation of Caldera

The Interim Nation of Caldera was established as an independent entity in 146 PC by the major powers in Arkadia: elves from Elladrel, dragonborn from Dracaryx, and loxodons from Honoro. It fully occupies the caldera left behind by the Cataclysm.
  At the heart of Caldera is the eponymous Caldera City, also known as Crossroads of the World. Beyond the city of Caldera are small towns, farms, hamlets. The caldera has four gate cities, one to each of the major regions of Arkadia. In the northwest, the town of Derenthil looks over the Deep Woods of Elladrel. In the southwest is the town of Warm Welcome, looking over the Great Plains of Honoro. To the northeast is the town of Cormoryx, looking over Dracaryx, and to the southeast is the fortified town of Edra, looking over the Dread Wastes of Amon-Ra.


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