The Passion of Shadow and Fire : A Play by Fenir


  • Beregast awakens in the bed of Dessyna, the elf noble.
  • The shadows creep out from the Shadowfell. Elladrell is under attack!
  • Beregast agrees to fight off the darkness with his burning inner light.
  • Beregast journeys into the Shadowfell. He easily fights off minions.
  • Beregast confrots the Mad Queen, and finds her sad and lonely.
  • Beregast comforts her the best way he knows how - by lovemaking
  • It has been a while since Beregast has left the Shadowfell. The Mad Queen is holding him prisoner for his lovemaking skills.
  • Beregast's companions Antala the haughty elf lord, Gemenicus the comical gnome, and Hathyk the ferocious hobgoblin, go hunting for Beregast. They enter the Shadowfell
  • A war to free Beregast takes place. Beregast gives as good as he can. Gemenicus dies.
  • Beregast flies into a rage. He flees back to the mortal realm and absorbs fire magic from The Burn.
  • Beregast returns to the Shadowfell, an avatar of uncontrolled fire. He turns the Shadowfell into a wasteland.
  • Eventually the Mad Queen relents. She cannot stop her longing, so they must come to a compromise: Beregast returns for 2 weeks a year to keep her sated, and she stays away from the material plane. Beregast must promise himself only to the Mad Queen. The Mad Queen holds Hathyk, his last companion, hostage. Beregast agrees.
  • The Mad Queen releases Hathyk, and she and Beregast return to the material realm. There are no clear winners.
  • Dessyna awakens, and Beregast is at her bed chambers. Dessyna is overcome with lust and throws herself at the hero.
  • Beregast denies her. Dessyna becomes insistent. Beregast denies her. He is saved for another.
  • Dessyna cries the tears of thousands of men and women. Beregast the lover is no more.
  • Beregast leaves. Dessyna cries.




  The curtain is taken down and stowed away, as is the tunnel. Fenir has cut trapdoors into the stage. The stage is engulfed in darkness. Henri takes his position up in front of the stage and begins to sing:   Come listen to a tale that's oft been told
Of Mad Queen Maeve and Beregast the Bold
But have you heard of the nights between
The hero and the queen
And a passion like you've never seen
Here we present the truth for the first time ever told ...     Where were you when Elladrell went dark
When shadows rose and swallowed up the stars?
When moonlight gave way to night
And began the war of Shadow and Fire!   Here the stage began to lighten and Fenir-As-Beregast was only just visible through the darkness.   I was there when Elladrell went dark   Lights rise. It is morning. Dessyna awakens.   DESSYNA: Stars above, Beregast. I do believe I’ll never be the same.   Beregast smirks at the audience. Beregast smiles gently to Dessyna. Elf maid enters. She blushes at Beregast.   ELF MAID: M’lady   DESSYNA: Not right now, elf maid. I am hungry for a different way to break my fast.   ELF MAID: M’lady.   Elf maid curtsies and leaves.   BEREGAST: I should really get going.   DESSYNA: No! Beregast! That’s too bold of you! You must stay, you must!   BEREGAST: Very well, since you asked so nicely.   DESSYNA: My world is complete when you are here. But I understand that your prowess is more than a match for my own. I understand that I could not be enough to satisfy you on my own … I cherish every moment together. I pray that you never find your equal!   Dessyna pounces, and lovemaking begins. Elf maid enters and blushes furiously.   ELF MAID: M’lady!   DESSYNA: What?   ELF MAID: Look!   The sky outside the window grows dark.   DESSYNA: Oh, woe! My kingdom is under threat! Only you, Beregast, can save us - should you be so bold!   Beregast smirks. He leaps out of bed.   BEREGAST: I shall overcome!   End Scene  


    I will find my freedom one day
And escape this malevolent curse of the fey
But I shall return
And this empire I shall burn
This mad queen cannot make me stay!   And so ends the tale of Gemenus the gnome
A comic to his friends & terror to his foes
It's ok to cry
Our beloved Gemenus has died
Not the first, not the last, But Beregast is full of wrath - behold!   Fenir-As-Beregast explodes in rage and a ball of fire engulfs the stage.  He shouts "JIMMY!" at the top of his lungs, then collapses into a heap.   


    Darkness fades from the window. The sun has risen. Dessyna rises from her bed.   DESSYNA: Oh, he has done it! I knew he would!   Beregast enters, despondent.   DESSYNA: My love! Come, it has been too long!   BEREGAST: I cannot. I am promised to another.   DESSYNA: What?   BEREGAST: I said I cannot!   Dessyna rushes at Beregast.   DESSYNA: But you must! I am the elf queen and I command it!   Beregast pulls himself away.   BEREGAST: I cannot. I am promised to another.   Beregast leaves. Dessyna cries. Elf maid enters.   ELF MAID: M’lady?   End Scene   And so we come to the conclusion of our play
A tale of Beregast the Bold and the friends he lost along the way
Of Antala's end
And Jimmy, his loyal friend
And finally the evil and love lorn mad queen maeve


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