Well-Known "New Gods"

Certain "new gods" are more well-known than others, in that they are worshiped by many, across many different regions of Arkadia. "Old gods" are not as well known, since they are all regional in nature. And some "new gods" are only worshipped by smaller, regional, or select groups of people so are not universally known.   The "well-known" new gods are listed below.

The Raven Queen - death & opposition of the undead

  The Raven Queen is one of the most widely worshipped new gods in all of Arkadia.  Death is a natural part of life. It is a transition away from the mortal realm, and should not be thought of solely as an "end" of things. All natural things have their time in the mortal realm, and that time is limited. Return to the plane of souls when your mortal journey is complete.   Undeath, however, is an unnatural abomination and to be opposed with your entire being. Kelemvor will watch over souls and protect them from becoming undead. She and her followers actively oppose and fight the undead and forces that seek to increase undeath in the realm.   Many of the human survivors in Dread Wastes of Amon-Ra worship The Raven Queen, to keep them safe from the roaming undead, and to keep them from becoming one of the horde. Members of Kynthia's Teeth are fervent worshippers of The Raven Queen as they frequently engage the undead in battle.   Clerics of The Raven Queen are often responsible for preparing people for their death, or conducting rites of passage to ferry the dead to the appropriate afterlife. Other clerics are warriors seeking out and fighting undead forces.  

Lathander - rebirth, renewal

  Lathander is broadly worshipped across Arkadia, especially as people try to rebuild from the Cataclysm. Lathander is primarily worshipped when starting new ventures, especially those that are trying to replace something that was lost. New businesses, new buildings, new plantings, and new partnerships are all times when Lathander's name is invoked. Followers of Lathander are often asked to bless these new activities, so that Lathander favors them. Many cleric of Lathander are out and about in the world, trying to help people along to the "new era" of Arkadia, and encourage them to start afresh.   Lathander is not often worshipped when it comes to actual births. Here, the traditions hold fast. Each individual would typically pray to their "old" gods to ensure the safe arrival of new life into the world.  

Ilmater - endurance

  Many Arkadians who were displaced or otherwise affected by the Cataclysm pray to Ilmater to help them endure the challenges, and help them through dark times. Ilmater's task is one of helping people through suffering, and taking the suffering onto himself. Ilmater has split opinions; many wonder where Ilmater was when the SkyTop clan was keeping everyone under their thumb.   Clerics of Ilmater are often out in the world trying to relieve suffering from those who are persecuted or oppressed. They do not seek to 'right wrongs' - instead they try to help individuals cope with the harships.

Shar - darkness & loss

  People across all of Arkadia pray to Shar for comfort. In the aftermath of the Cataclysm, Shar was one of the beacons of Arkadia, helping many deal with their grief and their loss. She is especially popular among dwarves and humans.   Clerics of Shar are often present alongside clerics of Kelemvor, but are also sought out by grieving individuals from all walks of life, and for all reasons. Whispers of a rumored darker nature are unfortunately all too common - that Shar's clerics also encourage revenge for those who were wronged. But that has been proven false many times, as some individuals get worked up about their grief and turn out to be inconsolable.  

Eldath - peace

  People from all parts of Arkadia worship and pray to Eldath. Eldath quickly became popular after the Cataclysm as people prayed for a respite from the war. But Eldath has gained even more popularit recently, especially in Central Arkadia, around the Caldera, as people pray for respite from the nonstop trading of territory. Eldath is especially popular in Caldera, where she is synonymous both with peace and the central Heartsgrove.   Clerics of Eldath are pacifists, always seeking non-violent solutions. They are present when peace treaties and truces are signed. Druids also worship Eldath, but their practices are only known within druidic circles.  

Gond - craft

  The discovery of many new technologies within dwarven ruins has caused a technological boom across Arkadia, and many residents worship Gond to help them integrate these new technologies into their own lives. Worship is not limited to craftsmen and engineers; farmers, tradesmen, inkeepers, and more all are being affected by this new technology, and all worship Gond to help them understand how these new technologies work.


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