Jesper Alyeras Character in Arkanos | World Anvil

Jesper Alyeras

Jesper Alyeras

Jesper was unceremoniously dropped on the stoop of the Sun Fields orphanage, left with nothing but a strange crystal around his neck. While he didn't fit in well for many years, he eventually found a few close friends. As he got older, a strange voice began to reach out to him, originating from the crystal necklace. Soon after, he formally met the voice, a Dao genie named Kar'dun. Kar'dun gave Jesper a small amount of power and requested he set out from his home in search of greater things. Despite his better judgment, Jesper left his old life behind and went on cross-country journey of exploring and scamming.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jesper is quite short and has an unimpressive physique overall. He isn't particularly strong in any way, though his hands have grown quite long and nimble from practicing card tricks and magic.

Body Features

Jesper has several cheap, dark red tattoos of trees and waves on his back.

Facial Features

Jesper has a boyish face with clay-brown eyes, and there is a faint scar across his forehead into his left eyebrow. Despite being a young adult, he is incapable of growing facial hair beyond a horrendous goatee and mustache.

Identifying Characteristics

One of Jesper's most identifying physical traits is the long red streak of hair on his head, poorly dyed but maintained reasonably well.

Special abilities

Kar'dun's power gives Jesper several unique abilities, especially focused towards stone and crystal.

Apparel & Accessories

Jesper wears a few layers of fine loose-fitting, comfortable clothes, consisting of a white undershirt, red overshirt and scarf, which is all topped off with studded leather he only wears out of necessity. In the freezing north, he tops off his normal attire with layers of furs for extra warmth. His most notable accessory is a quartz necklace that glows with power when he uses magic.

Specialized Equipment

Jesper has been practicing a number of card tricks to run scams with, but when he messes them up, he just fixes the mistake with magic. In combat, he primarily uses eldritch blast to displace opponents and large utility spells to give himself the advantage, typically to escape.

Mental characteristics


Jesper has not had much sexual experience, but he considers himself "probably bisexual."


Jesper was given a basic education at the Sun Fields orphanage, but he found joy in learning and discovering more about the world during his travels.


Jesper mostly made his money with cheap scams and the occasional side gig, but he has recently gotten an employment opportunity with the Sea Slayers.

Mental Trauma

Jesper regrets abandoning his friends in Almera, and he's not sure if he could bring himself to see them again.


Jesper is willing to try anything once, so he doesn't consider many things taboo.

Personality Characteristics


Jesper wants to become rich and maybe famous, while making good friends along the way. He is currently at the whims of his patron.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Jesper is great at talking and lying to others, but he has never been good at reading other people. He is also skilled with a deck of cards, with or without magic.

Likes & Dislikes

Due to his origin, Jesper much prefers warm weather, and he's partial to spicy food and seafood. His favorite card scam is 3-card Monte because it's easy to setup and cheat at.

Vices & Personality flaws

If Jesper sees an opportunity to screw over someone more powerful than him, he will almost always try it. He also loves to gamble in general, especially if he can force the odds in his favor.


Jesper tries to stay hygienic, cleaning himself and his belongings whenever the opportunity presents itself.


Contacts & Relations

Jesper has a few friends back in the Free Cities, but they haven't spoken in a long time. His only other close contact is Kar'dun.

Family Ties

Jesper is an orphan, so the closest thing he has to a family is Kar'dun, his Dao patron.

Religious Views

Jesper has never been very religious, but he occasionally prays to Ailethea, the Slave Queen because she is the main goddess of the Free Cities.

Wealth & Financial state

Jesper has very little money to his name, but his new employers seem pretty well off.

Jesper is a wandering scammer just trying to make money and some friends; he's accompanied and powered by a mysterious Dao that's bound to a crystal around his neck.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
19th of Red Harvest, 1404
Almera, of the Free Cities
Current Residence
Platinum Blonde, with a Red Streak
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
145 lb.
Known Languages
Jesper knows Common, Elvish, Primordial, and Infernal.