Virgil A’ondus Character in Arkanos | World Anvil

Virgil A’ondus

Virgil A’ondus (a.k.a. The Great)

Virgil "The Great" A'ondus is a Lightning Eunsul and lowlife con residing primarily in Almera with his parents. The youngest of three siblings -- a deceased middle brother and eldest sister -- Virgil is the runt of the litter. From birth, he has realized he is quite different from his Earth Eunsul parents. He has endured emotional and financial instability from his family as a result of his sister's betrayal. The irritable eunsul has made hasty decisions to correct his sister's betrayal at all costs -- even criminal activity. He hopes to one day find his sibling and put his family back in financial stability, one coin at a time.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Virgil is incredibly frail-looking and meak in stature. He neck is often slightly hunched.

Body Features

Virgil's hair and eyes are made of lightning, and his body is a bright blue. He has gained crystaline formations on his wrists that react in bright flashes when using magic or interacting with other crystals.

Facial Features

His strange, curled smile is noticible upon first glacne of Virgil. He often has a slight furl upon his eyebrows -- as if always plotting something.

Identifying Characteristics

His bright streaks of hair give off small flashes of light at different moments; they are sometimes more reactive in response to a strong feeling Virgil has, such as getting angry.

Physical quirks

He can be seen twirling his fingers as a familiar tick. He is unsure when he developed this, and if brought up, he will deny he does it while he twirls his fingers in front of you.

Special abilities

Virgil is able to hone into his innate abilties and cast various lightning spells. The crystaline formations on his wrist developed as a result of the strange -- almost wild -- magic that encompasses Virgil's entire being. He is unsure if the crystals are the result of this chaotic magic or if the crystals cause it.

Apparel & Accessories

Virgil is the epitome of burlap-sack-poor. He has a blue, ragged top that goes down his legs tied with an old brown belt. Even when it is rarely washed, many of the stains are unable to come off; Virgil wears them as "fashion statements."

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After suddenly appearing from almost thin air, Virgil's mother and father looked into their cart to see the Lightning Eunsul looking at them. Crossing the Wastelands, the A'donus clan made it to their destination -- Almera -- with little money and a baby to take care of.   Virgil's childhood was one wrought with hardship; his father took out many loans in hopes of providing for his family, but they soon became strapped in financial strain. The young eunsul took the blame on himself -- a sentiment raised by his parents. Using his unique magic, he began performing "magic shows" around the Free Citiest to make money, and when times were especially tough, he would steal. Eventually, the performances and thefts merged into a con act, though he almost never succeeded due to his unstable magical abilities.
  Coping with his losses and hoping his existence serves a higher purpose, he praises his uncontrolled magic as the beginning of a new age of power in Arkanos -- or even an ancient one, he'll take what he can get. Virgil wandered the Free Cities hoping to make a quick steal until his life changed when he met an insecure armored man and a strange-looking cook.




Virgil is currently a self-employed, self-taught "magician" that "works to achieve a balance of wonder in an already magical world" (per his PR team, him).

Morality & Philosophy

Virgil is concerned with whatever (or whomever) can make him the most money in the least amount of time, with the least amount of trouble, as possible. His philosophy is that anything good for you will make you money, and anything bad for you will cost you money.

Personality Characteristics


Virgil would say his biggest motiviation is money, but deep down, his hatred for his sister burns stronger than any currency he could hold (except maybe platinum).

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: the party Dislikes: people ratting him out


Virgil has little-to-no hygiene, and if ever learning what hygiene is, he would most likely ignore it and continue living his so-called "best life."


Contacts & Relations

His current contacts are the party and his parents, though the latter may not want to speak with him right now.

Family Ties

Besides his parents, his only other living tie is his sister. He has a strange connection to his great-grandfather, Torin, an Earth Eunsul.


Virgil has little mannerisms, and if told to fix his current social rulebreaking, he would instead intensify his indeceny tenfold.


Virgil speaks in a high, gravely voice, and when discussing a topic he enjoys -- like money -- he can be heard speaking with a high twill.

Wealth & Financial state


Virgil A'ondus was born under strange circumstances into a strange world, and he has committed himself to becoming the richest eunsul in all of Arkanos. Despite his annoying and impatient attitude, he enjoys his party group.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"The Great" is his stage name, but he enjoys it as a middle name as well.
20 (as a result of Wild Magic)
Date of Birth
9th of First Freeze, 1422
Current Residence
Translucent blue
Bright translucent blue streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Virgil knows Common and Primordial. He is unsure how he learned the latter of which; he has just always known it.