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Augury is a city located on the south end of Lake Meona, and is the most prominent trading center within the Southern Dominance and Venture, the river Anora also passes right through the center of the city. In terms of population Augury is also one of the biggest cities of The Baharuth Empire, and it apparently holds the largest Black Moon Merchant Guild branch location, larger even then the branch in Luthadel. Augury is one of the newer cities in the empire founded shortly after the first expansion war into the southern dominance, it was originally a small settlement of the elves but after the empire took over the region. The citizens of baharuth soon recognised the strategic location of the settlement and started its expansion into a city, after the harbor was build the first trade boomed in the form of war supplies to the south.   To the east of the city were large patches of swamps at the time, but through impressive planning and Irrigation systems the land was transformed into a large agricultural powerhouse, mostly producing vegetables with large water intake such as carrots, pumpkins and zucchini and almost no grains. These supplies were essential in keeping the campaings in the south going and they also helped the northern regions of the empire withstand the harsh winters more easily.


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Apr 24, 2024 14:57

RIP Augury. May your zucchini rest in peace.

With the gears of the mind turning everlong, see what they produce in times old and new alike! Ignotas, Where Fog Turns Into Steam