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Einsamkeit as the name suggests was built in a rather remote region of the Duchy of Baharuth as depicted in the Rise of The Baharuth Empire, But its story does not end there. Structurally Einsamkeit is kept rather simple and with clear cut rules and regulations.  

The Archmage

Ever Since the foundation of The magus Tower of Einsamkeit, a single Archmage was chosen and is watching over its development and in times of crisis acts upon other Events in the world. There have been a total of 3 Archmages so Far, the co-founder and first Archmage David he occupied the Title until construction of the Tower was Finished in 622 AC, he then chose to hand the title to his companion of many years, the Archmage Daniel who in turn selected the current Archmage Kelsir as his successor only 20 years ago. Kelsir is one of the Brightest minds to ever grace the halls of Einsamkeit.  

The Academy

Before even the Tower itself was commissioned the Magic Academy was founded by Edmund van Baharuth and the first Archmage David. Here all the bright minds from the whole continent can attend if a certain ability in the magical arts has been determined, or if one is simply of a noble bloodline. The academy is not restrictive in its teachings, if your talents lie in either Bardic, Druidic or Clerical subsets and not in Sorcery or wizardry there are special Courses one can take in addition to the basic magic lessons and expand ones horizon into different branches of magic.  


The Academy is split into 5 Halls: Druids, Clerics, Bards, Sorcerers and Wizards with each hall overseen by a Hall Master. Under the Hallmasters serve or beside them work the Professors, Hall Masters do have a certain authority over the Professors but they also cannot force them to do their bidding. Professors are accomplished Mages who chose to stay at einsamkeit to research and teach, but they are not bound often they themselves take on missions or explore the World in search of Mysteries. Beside the 5 Halls there exists the Hall of Elders, Powerful Mages usually old geezers who form a council of research and debate, but not much is know of their inner workings, and sometimes they also do Missions or Teach however it is rather uncommon for them to do so.


Everyone is free to commission a mission at the tower of Einsamkeit, these missions are graded in difficulty and then either students, or other mages at Einsamkeit carry them out. These range from political mediation ,monster extermination to Aid after Famines or Medical expertise etc.  

External mages

Einsamkeit also offers these missions to External mages, who either have not attended the school or students who no longer wish do be bound, they then take up the role of External Mages who the tower can call on in emergencies.
The Tower Crest
Einsamkeit Crest ~ by Midjourney
by ~ by Midjourney

This article has no secrets.


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