Silver Lining Organization in Arkion | World Anvil
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Silver Lining

The Silver Lining is an organization allied directly with the The Baharuth Empire and in extension The Baharuthan Legion's.   Members of the Silver Lining are mostly powerful adventurers enlisted by the Empire as special forces. Upon reaching a high enough rank and earning merit for the empire members can be granted a Noble title and command batallions of Legions into battle. During large scale conflicts the silver lining act as special task force units employed to find solutions for very spezific problems. During times of peace the silver lining works akin to a normal adventurer guild but focused on keeping the empire save.  


The Silver Lining started off as an adventurer guild in the year the central dominance of the empire was established. At the time most members were tasked with securing the surroundings of Luthadel and protecting convois of merchants. Soon afterwards, they formed their first alliances with the Empire and acted as scouts together with other adventurers' guilds in the expansion to the south.   Met with sucess and earning glory and status in the empire Drammen Scurren the guild master at the time was ennobled and through this connection the guild and the empire grew ever closer. The silver lining turned entirely into a government Organization after the first establishment of the southern dominance.  


Usually the silver lining workes closely with nobles of the empire and on occasion the dwarfes or the free cities but rarely with factions outside of the empire.

Power grid Overview

Funds: Moderate
Influence: Moderate/High
Knowledge: High
Power: High
Responsibilities: Moderate

Silver Lining Ranks

Classified as Weapons (Branch Specific)
  • Dagger
  • Sword
  • Rapier
  • Greatsword
  • Artefact
  • ...

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