BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The building block of Creation. But a power source for some, even used as a currency, a catch-all fuel of life, technology, war and commerce amongst the different realms of the Cosmic Sea. - Irene Carrofield   Anima, or lifeforce as some call it, is the supposed substance that all living beings in the Realms possess. Many contend that this substance is what separates the living beings of Arkos from intricate but inorganic material or constructs. Several mages throughout the 3rd Age have theorized that Anima is the material blood mages actually influence and expunge to cast their foul magic.   There are many individuals of faith that argue that Anima is not magical in nature, but rather is an essence of the 'breath of creation.' They believe that Anima is what gives creatures their life; it is a piece of breath of life the Creator gifts to his creations.   For many practioners of healing magic and those who practice medicine, anima is all too real and the central component of their trade. For these many individuals, all methods of healing and purification are done by redirecting anima to replenish one's life force or bolster an afflicted individual's natural healing capabilities. Importantly, this means that magic will often not work on targets whose lifeforce is depleted and cannot be replenished, or is suffering from a disease that will not heal naturally.   According to many prominent scholars, Anima can be categorized into three forms, or parts. Two of these are incorporeal, what mortals refer to as the soul and memory. The third is lifeforce, which is subject to change depending on the health and status of the mortal possessing it. The soul and memory are rarely subject to dramatic change, as the two are intrinsically linked. There are instances when one's incorporeal anima components can be altered, such as if the mortal is exposed to too much of a type of primordial energy.   There are many that theorize that the various types of magical casters that exist on Arkos two into a specific part of their anima and let the arcane weave channel through it; thus gaining the ability to produce their particular flavour of magic. Divine casters tap into soul anima as their magical ability is derived most often from faith. Natural casters use their very life force to attune to the lifeforce of creation, letting the elements of creation flow through them. Arcane casters are usually known to have gained their magical aptitude through study, and thus use the memory portion of anima for their casting prowess.


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