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Lokess - The Crawling Queen

They realized the danger too late. The tunnel seemed to swell, opening a gaping maw that surged toward them. While some could only wait for death as the endless teeth advanced, others turned to flee...only to be met with crooked, black apendages wrapping themselves around them.
  Lokess is the Fallen Ancient of worms, spiders, and the Underdark. Generally her worshippers are creatures who take others' freedom and generally evil races living in the darkness below. It is said that many of the pathways under Arkos are the result of her fall onto the planet, creating the network that now holds most of Arkos' most deadly and vile denizens. Followers of Lokess tend to be amongst the most cruel and sadistic of Arkos' worshippers, even by Fallen Ancient standards.   Lokess is often depicted as a swollen, malformed worm, with black spider-like apendages along her spine. Some scholars believe she was likely quite a beautiful being during her time as a Prime Ancient, and her fall twisted her appearance to showcase her newfound corruption. There is a common superstition among Western Arkos that uttering Lokess' name will cause her to rise up from underground and drag the speaker down into the Underdark with her. While those who preach the existence of fallen ancients on Arkos believe many to be imprisoned or simply asleep, there are those who are adamant that Lokess is very much active deep in the bowels of the planet, constantly creating more Underdark tunnels for evil to grow in and fester.

Divine Domains

Worms, Spiders, Deceit, Enslavement

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Two hooked appendages beside each other.

Tenets of Faith

  • Death to those who dwell in the light of the sun.
  • Capture those who are foolish enough to wander into the ever-growing dark.
  • Revel in the pain you inflict upon others, and embrace your own.
Neutral Evil


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