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The Lord Commander

"Why my dear Commander, I didn't realize you trusted me that much."   "I trust no one, Contessa. But I have no fear of you. Of all the faces on Arkos, mine alone is unknown to you."
  Seemingly becoming infamous in matter of months, the individual known only as the Lord Commander is regarded by most on Western Arkos as the most dangerous man alive. He is the undisputed, supreme head of the authoritarian paramilitary organization known as The UnCrowned. He is also said to be Arkos' greatest duelist; his swordsmanship and tactical genius being unrivaled by any who live.   While the UnCrowned have existed as a glorified terrorist organization on Arkos for presumably hundreds of years, the Lord Commander has elevated it to unimaginable heights of power since he rendered control of the group. How he became its leader is debabted among many. Some believe he single-handedly slew the UnCrowned's previous leadership in a hostile takeover, with none remaining to oppose him. Others believe he was elected by UnCrowned High Command, given leadership freely due to his superior candidacy.   Regardless, the fact remains that the UnCrowned has flourished under the Lord Commander, having control of most of the nations in Eastern Arkos. Now, they seek to expand their control to the nations of the west.   According to those who have encountered them, the Lord Commander is surprisingly quite reasonable and pragmatic. He vehemently believes that the people of Arkos must be brought under one banner, in order to ensure the world's survival from a not so distant threat...
Aligned Organization


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