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The Red Eye

Yes, the Draconian Republic is beautiful; a pristine example of functioning democracy. Until that eye sore errupts. Then we'll see how civilized the Dragonborn really are.
  The Red Eye as it is known locally is the massive volcano island located in the center of Draconia. Being at the center of a geological hotspot, the mountain sees a large portion of volcanic activity, though not enough to give the local Dragonborn cause for concern. The volcano is responsible for much of the rich, vibrant soil on its island's shores and the neighbouring islands of Draconia, and also provides a wealth of rare minerals for those brave enough to mine under it.   Despite its appearance, the Red Eye is home to a variety of creatures, both intelligent and otherwise, and has even been used as a site of worship and sanctification by some minor religious groups. Various Orc and Tiefling tribes, such as the now defunct Vulcan Wrath, can be found littered around the island. A number of Red Dragons also call the area home, and can often be seen battling for territorial dominance in the blackened skies above the mountain. It is even said that the Red Primordials made its home inside the volcano itself during the second age, where it produced its brood before the Primordial Wars began.   With all these facts in mind, the matter remains that if the Red Eye were to ever experience a violent erruption, it could cause severe harm to the Draconian Republic and its citizens, and even to all of Western Arkos itself.


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