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Written by Jdebro

Altarrin Ships, or simply Altarrins, are all-environmental ships that are capable of traveling in all kinds of environments. They can travel on land, sea, sky, undergound, and even among the stars. Altarrins come in various sizes from personal vehicles to powerful military craft, created by various groups according to the needs of the various societies. Ever since the very first generation of altarrins appeared, societies in Arexta experienced a massive shift towards wide adoption due to the immense potential of altarrins.

Power Generation

Every type of Altarrins are powered by a paratek core that provides all of the energy requirements, and eliminates the need for daily refueling of the altarrin. Due to the different conditions that altarrins traverse, these paratek cores have been built with reinforced protective layers of plating that can withstand such conditions for extremely long periods of time. There is also a backup paratek core that is normally inactive, but will turn on should anything happen to the main paratek core. The second paratek is designed to provide emergency power to the altarrin for a time to allow the main core to be repaired or replaced if required.


All Altarrins use a light-based propulsion systems that uses various lightwaves to the power to provide movement in different directions. The lightwaves collide with the gaseous water vapor to give motive power. The amount is dependent on the model of altarrin, from simple movement for civilian-class to the extreme amounts used by large variants.

Weapons & Armament

Altarrins can be outfitted with different weapons/armaments without a problem, depending on the class of altarrin craft. The majority of civilian-class altarrins do not have any type of armaments built-in, unless the person(s) has enough resources to commission a custom one with weapons including. Combat-class altarrin craft are always outfitted with weapon systems, with the weaponry based on the organization and their preferences. Weaons such as light-charged cannons, lasers, missiles, beams, and specialized weaponry can be found on combat-class altarrins.

Armor and defense

Every type of altarrins are capable of housing shielding and armor systems depending on the needs of the person(s) and groups. Paratek shielding is available on all altarrins, with the strength of the shields depending on the class. Civilian-class shielding help protect riders and passengers from most collisions that would otherwise be fatal. Combat-class altarrins have shielding that provides protection from hostile fire from other ships and enemy fire.
Armor is reserved for customized civilian-class altarrins and combat-class altarrins due to the cost of implementing it without affecting the other altarrin’s systems. The armor is used to help allow further travel into more hazardous environments.
Dependent on altarrin class
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity


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