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Ankylos are a tribe of saurids having the distinctive features of large bony shields covering their sides and back. Their skulls have the same bony shielding fused with the underlying bones. Their dorsal ribs also are well-fitted with the rest of their bone structure. Their tribe name means “hard, fused, rigid.” The ends of their tails are shaped as a large bony club that can be used as a blunt weapon.

Basic Information


All members of Ankylos are stout, solidly built, and armored saurids. They have accessory ossifications on their crancial bones covering skull openings. This forms wedge-shaped horn-like structures on their heads. The torsos of Ankylos have scute rows that form a fused bio shield of armor. There are also two collars of bony armor plates around their necks. Ankylos also have tail clubs that can be used as a weapon in cases of self-defense or offensive needs. Ankylos are also incredibly strong physically.


Ankylos as a whole have different personalities that mark each individual, although most of the saurid tribe share common personality traits. They value strength, endurance, determination, courage, and resolve among their people. Many individual Ankylos have these traits in their personalities,

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Ankylos have achieved highly advanced level of technological achievement to the point where they can create their own variant of paratek, rivaling what the other kinds on Lavantia can create. They have managed to create lavish palaces, well-built homes, impressive military weaponry, and using transports.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Ankylos can speak Human-based languages and beast languages on average. Some can even speak the language of otherworldly races as well.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Ankylos generally get along well with the other Beast races, although their cordial behavior towards has been tested in various times in their history. It is not uncommon for Ankylos to be found in settlements where Ursidians hold sway, given the common grounds they share in valuing strength. They also engage in trade with Ursidias, exchanging different goods and resources that benefits both of them.  Ankylos have a good relationship with Humans and their branches (Lerith, Cairteail, Fiorhin, and Gallian), being found living in their settlements with no issues. They tend to see them as great companions to have, especially the Gallians who they feel common ground with for their similar views on strength.  Ankylos also have a great relationship with the Stagos as they are a most peaceful people who share much of the same resources and lands. Stagos have been known to be incredibly helpful to Ankylos and vice versa.  Ankylos generally are on cordial terms with the Dromaos and Pantaras, although they are cautious about the more feisty nature of the two beast races. They find their eagerness to involve themselves in endeavors that can lead to trouble quite odd, but will aid them nonetheless.
8,000 years (same are Humans, other Saurids, Lerith, etc)
Average Height
6'2 to 7'0
Average Weight
230 to 350 lbs


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Aug 30, 2024 14:59 by Harrison

Very interesting.