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Written by Jdebro

The Gershon High Council is the governing body of the Gershonites, serving as the high authority of the Jorai people. Convening in the Tower Of Councilors, the High Council forms the laws, enforces Gershon law & order, settles disputes among Gershonite lands and representing Gershon to other nations.
The Gershon High Council is an committee composed of representatives from each of the four tribes of the Gershonites. Their decisions carry a great deal of weight throughout Gershonite lands. They adhere to no single mortal ruler, instead sharing power in a system of power separation. This is done to make it very difficult for one or a small group to abuse their power.

Foreign Relations

The Gershon High Council acts as the official governing body that engages in talks with other national leaders, either doing so themselves or sending ambassadors on their behalf. Due to the reputation of the Gershon in Lavantia, the leaders of the other nations make it a point of keeping relations with Gershon intact.

"May the Wisdom Of Yavah Guide Us"

Government, Leadership
Alternative Names
Gershon Council, High Council, the Council
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Legislative Body
The system of government of the Gershonites is a federation of leaders forming an decentralized government, with power being shared in the High Government. The High Government consist of Councilors elected to represent the interests of the four tribes, and handle the affair of representing Gershon to other nations. Outside of this, each tribe governs according to how they please. Commonly, there is government of leaders of each tribe overseeing the day-to-day affairs of their tribe.
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