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Written by Jdebro

Motto / slogan / axiom Alternative names Status
“Restore that which is asunder, cleanse that which is a blight” Healers, Active
Founding Date Dissolution Date Leader Title
During the Times Of Peace They are still active Grand Healer (one for each branch)
Membership Status Specialties Parent Organization
All members are active with few retired members Providing essence-based healing and medical ministration N/A
Geographic Location / Base Settlement / HQ Related Species Related Ethnicities
Varies Humans, Lerith, Cairteail, Gallian, Fiorhin, Dromaos, Pantara, Ursidia Gershonites, Astorians, Fidem, Kerrosano, Aphrans



The Holistic Conclave are a coalition of clerics, essence rangers, essence sages, holy knights, spirit warriors, and essence artificers who are dedicated to providing healing services to many people, including the restoration of the essence of the person (spirit & soul). Devout followers of the Adonailym faith, they are well-respected among many peoples for their compassionate nature. They do face opposition in some parts of Lavantia due to their more defensive stance, refusal to fold into other groups, and their anti-magical resolve. Despite this, the Holistic Conclave are sought after by many people who need help for the natural and unnatural problems they face.


The Holistic Conclave is divided into many branches that run Restoration Halls through most of Lavantia, providing healing and holistic services to the communities by each branch. They administer the medical care to the communities, treating various types of issues that range from the natural to the supernatural.
  Grand Healer
Each Restoration Hall of the Holistic Conclave is run by a Grand Healer, who acts at the top leader of that hall. The Grand Healers oversees all activities of that Hall to ensure that everything is carried out according to the overall directive of the Conclave’s oath. Once a year, every Grand Healer meets together in a predetermined location for a time of prayer, fasting, and council for guidance on matters that affect the entire Conclave.
  Master Healer
Master Healers are responsible for running the daily tasks of each Hall, reporting to the Grand Healer. They are tasked with ensure that each service is conduct well, the needs of all healers & people are met, conduct large-scale healing sessions, and deliver sermons to the people. They also assist Healers in the training of disciples, and will also train disciples directly.
Healers are the main field leadership of the Restoration Halls, and the most commonly seen by the people due to their fieldwork. They are the most active of the Holistic Conclave, handling many medical & supernatural cases that require their capabilities. They are often seen in healing centers, battlefields in times of war or crisis, places of great infestation, or the public areas of wherever they are stationed. They are also tasked with training disciples in the ways of the Holistic Conclave, choosing them from initiates who have been called to this path. Healers also ensure that initiates receive daily lessons, and see to their needs whenever required.
Disciples are initiates who have been chosen by a Healer or Master Healer for further training, learning from them everything they can before taking the full position of Healer. They learn the skills needed to accomplish their tasks related to their vocation, with an example being an essence ranger learning to use their healing abilities while fufill their ranger duties. They also assist their mentor in their field assignments, often handling tasks that their mentor deems fit to help their growth.
Initiates are new converts who are not yet assigned to a Healer or Master, and are often seen in services learning the lessons of that time. They also are assigned to aid in tasks involving the community, such as aiding the poor & destitute in their time of need.


There are many Restoration Halls stationed throughout most of the different nations of Lavantia, with each Hall overseeing the medical needs of the nearby communities. They often times are stationed in rural and suburban areas where the need is greatest, but they can be also found in various cities as well.
Each Hall is established by a Master Healer who receives a vision to do so, informing their fellow healers of the vision. Once they are released to do so, they seek out the place in their vision and begin the establishment of a new Restoration Hall using the resources gained. Most people who learn of this venture are very quick to provide whatever assistance is needed, seeing the various benefits of having a Restoration Hall nearby. Once the new Hall is established, the Master Healer becomes the new Grand Healer of that area.

“Restore that which is asunder, cleanse that which is a blight”

Guild, Professional
Alternative Names


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