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Written by Jdebro

The K-785 Talon is a revolver built by the Weisson Company, an company based in the duchy of Kerrosano. Having elegant aesthetics similar to old steam-powered weaponry, The Talon is a medium to close range revolver delivering heavy hitting shots with great accuracy and punch with a fast rate of fire. A paratek power core ensures that the talon always has ammo while built-in heat management prevents misfire or weapon jam
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
The Talon is a medium to short range automatic revolver that is designed to be fired from the hip, although it can be used while aiming down sights. When aiming down sights, the automatic fire switches to a semi-automatic firing mode to allow for more control without the recoil. 
The Talon uses ammunition by generating it similar to other ranged paratek weapons, using a energy-matter system to create the ammo for the gun. The Talon contains a system where ammo is created within the gun using a internal block of metal within, and using a energy-based shaver feature to make the rounds. The rounds are automatically loaded it the chamber, while the gun detaches it to provide exhaust for heat. The user spins the chamber to fasten the cooling, then locks the chamber back into the revolver.
The Talon is one of the easiest guns to take around as it can be placed in a holster for ease of travel, and its weight is acceptable that it would not be hindrance to the owner. It is uncommon to see civilians to constables carrying a Talon while in public, often with signature designs that suit the owner’s tastes.
Restrictions on use/ownership 
There is mostly little restriction of owning a Talon with the exception of receiving training in its usage due to the fast rate of fire. Trainees must learn to adapt to the Talon’s recoil and fire rate so they can be effective when shooting. They are given a certificate proving their ability to use the gun.


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